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@mopedlar avatar
2001 GTS Super (white), 2021 GTS Super (yellow), 1976 Bianchi Snark moped, 1980 General 5 Star moped
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I changed the final drive gear oil this afternoon and confirmed that Robot is indeed correct….150ml is the correct amount of gear oil to put in after draining. It brought the oil level right to the first hash mark. I actually changed the gear oil on my 2005 GT 200 first just to make sure I had the procedure down before undertaking my new GTS 300 HPE. By the time I did my 300 Super, I perfected my cardboard funnel and didn't spill a drop of oil on my floor.
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Veni, Vidi, Posti
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Veni, Vidi, Posti
@steelbytes avatar
2019 GTS300 Supertech E3 61,000km
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I suspect the simplest answer is when it reaches the correct level on the dipstick (which is described in the manual). so start with 150, check dipstick and stick some more in.
@mopedlar avatar

2001 GTS Super (white), 2021 GTS Super (yellow), 1976 Bianchi Snark moped, 1980 General 5 Star moped
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@mopedlar avatar
2001 GTS Super (white), 2021 GTS Super (yellow), 1976 Bianchi Snark moped, 1980 General 5 Star moped
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steelbytes wrote:
I suspect the simplest answer is when it reaches the correct level on the dipstick (which is described in the manual). so start with 150, check dipstick and stick some more in.
Thanks! I'll go that route to be safe.
@steelbytes avatar

Veni, Vidi, Posti
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Veni, Vidi, Posti
@steelbytes avatar
2019 GTS300 Supertech E3 61,000km
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An extra thought, the above approach is smarter than assuming a certain amount because you may have left some in there when draining the old.

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2020 primavera 150
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if I am not sure I drain into a container and transfer into a clear jar. Mark the jar and put in the same amount. Thanks
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