MP3 500Ie LT sport 2013
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MP3 500Ie LT sport 2013
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I saw a post on this.

For those who are interested, it is the easiest thing in the world to do.

I bought a pair of yourban wheels on eBay.

The 13 inch wheels with 110/70/13 tyres are about half an inch bigger diameter (1/4 inch radius/height change/lost clearance to mudguard) so negligible change.

Apparently the handling improves due to the moment of inertia increase with bigger rim diameter (look forward to testing) plus it looks better.

Literally the work of a couple of minutes between before and after pics.

If you haven't changed front wheels, you only need a 6mm hex key.

Loosen all ten bolts slightly while on ground centre stand suspension locked.

Then tilt bike with suspension unlocked, lock it, rock back onto stand with one wheel up in the air.

Remove and replace wheels - the reason for loosening the nuts is so as not to pull the bike over onto you applying force when precariously balanced (and for my US friends I accept no liability if it falls)!

I used new 35 mm M8 cap head high tensile bolts as I read somewhere the original might be too long (in fact they were 35mm also).

Don't forget rotation direction of tyres and torque up properly when both wheels back on the ground.

Hope this was helpful to someone.
Before 12" black rims 120/70/r12
Before 12" black rims 120/70/r12
Suspension locked tilted with one wheel in air
Suspension locked tilted with one wheel in air
Old and new side by side
Old and new side by side
Bike with one side changed, barely notice a difference in height (but didn't try riding)
Bike with one side changed, barely notice a difference in height (but didn't try riding)
All done. I think it looks better.
All done. I think it looks better.

MP3 500Ie LT sport 2013
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Location: Kent UK
MP3 500Ie LT sport 2013
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So I took it for a quick spin, it may just be my imagination, I'm not experienced, but it felt much nicer, lighter, more nimble, more natural, more like a lighter 2 wheel scooter.

May be all in my head but I'm happy.

Update, took for a second run this time in the dark and it really does feel different in a good way, someone else said similar on here. Can't explain how shifting the rims outward an inch makes such a perceptible difference but it just feels smoother alround rather than a bit lumbering when you turn.

2008 fuoco
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2008 fuoco
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Same as you it does make a difference.
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