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I rebuilt my original rear shock today. Here is a good video from SEA.

Here is the oil seal you will need, $6:


And the top shock buffer:

Before: OEM 1964 Piaggio rear shock leaking like a sieve.
Before: OEM 1964 Piaggio rear shock leaking like a sieve.
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This is the seal you will need.
This is the seal you will need.
De-rusted and a new coat of paint and all new rubbers.  It's easy to justify being cheap by saying you want to keep it original!
De-rusted and a new coat of paint and all new rubbers. It's easy to justify being cheap by saying you want to keep it original!
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Nice job. Let us know if it works as expected.

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Clap emoticon Clap emoticon Clap emoticon . That's great. I like the idea that you opted not to resort to SIP jank, but kept it original.
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You hooked me. I ordered up a seal from your eBay link and am giving the shock rebuild a try. Thanks for the great how-to detail!

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So what did you use for oil?

Vespas 1964 GS160, 1965 SS180, 1977 V9A1T, 1983 PX150E
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Vespas 1964 GS160, 1965 SS180, 1977 V9A1T, 1983 PX150E
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Here's what I used for my GS shock rebuilds. I did a fair amount of reading saying this is the best, so that's what I got. So far, shocks seem fine with it.

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Molto Verboso
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I used atf. About SAE15 weight.

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Probably fine. I guess as long as it's something with a lower viscosity and won't eat the seals, it's ok.
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15w is about as viscous as you want to go. Any thicker and the compression velocity is way too slow. Don't use oil with detergent either. Foam=bad.
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How high do you fill the tube ? All the way to the seal so there's no air ?
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You could use motorcycle fork oil, which is made for the application. You can get various lighter weights, below is an example.

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The seal on the rear of the SS has an OD of 32mm and fits differently. Both it and the 20x8x5 seal on the front shock have different types of lips than a normal rotary shaft seal.
The o-ring on the front shock is shot but I think I can match something up.
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