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This sucks Crying or Very sad emoticon

But are you sure it's the head gasket? It would really stink to do this twice if it's not the root cause!

The first time around I don't think you actually pinpointed a leak - you had said it must be the head gasket because you couldn't find a leaky hose? I guess I'm suggesting, if you haven't yet, it might be worth circling back to find exactly where the leak originates.
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This thread is really great. I'm going to star it.
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diffuzion wrote:
it started to leak again Crying or Very sad emoticon Crying or Very sad emoticon I am not sure what to do here. Should I just go to a dealership and trade in my old vespa for a new one or try to get a new cylinder head and valve head? Crying or Very sad emoticon
You have a few options here. Unfortunately some will require a head removal.

1. Disconnect the shocks and air filter
lift the bike up a bit, enough to Pull the valve cover off, and check the torque on the head. Retorque if necessary.

2. Pull the motor, Call Scooterwest or Scooterparts,co, get the thicker gasket and install. This could help with the imperfection of the new head.

3. Call Scooterwest or Scooterparts,co, they would have some Verified good used heads on the shelf, for about $300 dollars or so.
Order the gasket kit and stud bolts, along with the O'rings.

Unfortunately I think these are your best solutions.

Good Luck, sorry to hear about the trouble.
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Gildod wrote:
You have a few options here. Unfortunately some will require a head removal.

1. Disconnect the shocks and air filter
lift the bike up a bit, enough to Pull the valve cover off, and check the torque on the head. Retorque if necessary.

2. Pull the motor, Call Scooterwest or Scooterparts,co, get the thicker gasket and install. This could help with the imperfection of the new head.

3. Call Scooterwest or Scooterparts,co, they would have some Verified good used heads on the shelf, for about $300 dollars or so.
Order the gasket kit and stud bolts, along with the O'rings.

Unfortunately I think these are your best solutions.

Good Luck, sorry to hear about the trouble.
I like the way you think. I spent few days thinking about what to do, and I am like what do I have to lose by opening up the valve cover and throwing another 45 degrees of torquing. I dropped the engine half way by disconnecting the two back shocks. Put the engine on a lift, and slowly but surely tried to slowly open the valve cover, and boy it was hard to get to the bottom screw. However, I did manage to open it, retorque it, and close it. I took it on a test ride and NO leaks so far. I am afraid to take it on the highway haha. However, I want to echo what everyone has been saying. The more you do it, the easier. I got all of this done within one hour. If the valve cover was more accessible, it would be a 30 min job.
I am not afraid to drop the engine now and redo the gasket. I did some research, and I am not sure why I would need a cylinder head where the valves are located. By the way scooter west has it for like 500. I can find one used one on ebay for like 300.

This is definitely not a hose issue. Initially, i found leak by the thermostat, tightened as well and no leak out of there anymore.
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diffuzion wrote:
By the way scooter west has it for like 500. I can find one used one on ebay for like 300.
If you call scooterwest, they have verified good used ones on their shelf for the ebay price. I purchased one off of Ebay, was not happy with it.

Congrats on your rebuild project. The part of taking it on the highway is a scary proposition, I know.... However you need to shake it out, not max it out. All this while rebuilding it is still fresh in your head.
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Gildod wrote:
If you call scooterwest, they have verified good used ones on their shelf for the ebay price. I purchased one off of Ebay, was not happy with it.

Congrats on your rebuild project. The part of taking it on the highway is a scary proposition, I know.... However you need to shake it out, not max it out. All this while rebuilding it is still fresh in your head.
Clap emoticon
I bought a used head on ebay, sent it to scooterwest to checkout. They gave it the okay. Total price: $150.

There are always used heads coming in on the ebay market. I bought one with less than 10,000 miles that someone had replaced with a malossi head/cyl combination. Two weeks ago, there was a complete top end from a used engine that I bid on. It went (shipped) for $80.

When you get a used head, you will either have to disassemble it yourself and check for true, or send it to someone. While I sent it to scooterwest, I think even a local machine shop can probably do it.
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