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GTS 300 2020
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GTS 300 2020
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I recently had for the first time after ± 4200 miles the rear tire of my 2019 Vespa GTS hpe replaced.

When I took off from the mechanic the scooter driver like Facepalm emoticon it was holding back while accelerating. During the ride back home it became a bit better but it was not the same as before. I felt Crying or Very sad emoticon

My guess was that due to the larger diameter of the new tire (the old one was very worn) that the ASR needed to be calibrated. I found this very helpful YouTube video from Vespa Portland.

It took a few attempts to get into the calibration mode. But what a difference!!!!

If you feel like your GTS is not accelerating smoothly I highly recommend to take a few minutes to calibrate the ASR.

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GTS 300ie Touring 2013 - Signora D'argento
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