Dino's Cappuccinos opens to a warm welcome from the rowdy owner at 6:45AM 7 days a week. He has a lot of early regulars - many on their way to work. Each morning a different bean - but all good and stout. Fresh pastries, real 'half&half', real sugar and cinnamon if you want it. (best not ask for decaf) Good music. Dino and Sinatra, etc. when he's on duty - modern stuff when one of his females are serving. World Cup on the TV. His restroom is decorated with Soprano's posters.
The UnderDog Cafe' & Emporium Wines is "the village living room". Friendly & 'tatty' sure - but arty.
Organic - breakfast, lunch, pastries. Wine tasting, good coffees, impromptu live music - very old-school hippie type coffee house. Sit at the piano, take the guitar off of the wall, etc. Buy a tea bag and open your lap-top.
Meals served inside and on the sidewalk..
My daughter likes breakfasting there on snowy days.