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So I know there are two scooter clubs in the Phoenix area, The Phoenix scooter club and Sonoran scooter club. They both seem to put on nice rides, the only problem is I do not live near either so it would take me 30-60 minutes to get to where they start. Now this has not been an issue as I had a friend with a Harley who lived near and we would ride weekly. But he has decided to sell his Harley so now I am looking for people to ride with who are a bit closer. So are there any riding clubs in Scottsdale? Thanks for any info. If not I guess I will have to take the longer ride to get to the start points.

And also Happy Holidays to all!!
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I belong to both, but I usually ride with the Sonoran Sunriders. I need to get back on the scoot, it's been a bit.
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Syd wrote:
I belong to both, but I usually ride with the Sonoran Sunriders. I need to get back on the scoot, it's been a bit.
It's been too long!!!

LarryMK, you could try this group. https://www.meetup.com/north-valley-riders-a-scooter-society/ We have several members in common, and they are good people.
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Veni, Vidi, Posti
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Sounds like you were doing fine before with one riding partner. Perhaps another answer is to hook up with a couple of scooter people who do live near you and form your own riding group. That has always worked best for me.
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