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jess wrote:
Yes. If you drive an EV on dirty coal, you end up with more CO2.

Which is just one of many reasons why renewable energy is so @#$% important.

Even so, generating electricity for EVs with coal still makes them cleaner than ICE cars. It just takes more miles to reap that benefit. With an average energy mix that point of carbon savings can be reached within a couple of years.
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Bill Dog wrote:
I've never been against EV's but I am reluctant to embrace a product that's being marketed as the one that's going to save the planet when it makes as much CO2 as the ICE alternative, but in reverse.
Ah, the fact that study after study shows that electric powered transportation has a lower carbon footprint doesn't mean anything, right?

Why use scientific methods when we have the Internet and can just search for whatever confirms our biases?

Funny enough this thread started by pointing out that the fast majority of us will switch to EVs regardless of our beliefs, as it will come down to simple economics, availability and convenience.
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We've personally run EVs with no drama for the last ten years and lived to tell the tale...

I get that some people are not ready/able to wean themselves off fossil fuel yet for personal transportation purposes, (and that's ok) but am mystified why some of them feel the need to do the work of the fossil fuel lobby - usually spreading lies and half-truths.

Thankfully the younger generation generally get it, and the fossil view owners will soon enough go the way of the dinosaurs too.
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Regarding tolls, taxes, and road use: at least in the US, there's also annual vehicle taxes. If you have to register it for a plate, you have to pay the tax.

I'm decidedly against taxing simply based on using the road. That way lies ridiculousness such as bicycle taxes, pedestrian/jogger taxes, and other silliness cagers typically foam at the mouth about.
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Cheshire wrote:
Regarding tolls, taxes, and road use: at least in the US, there's also annual vehicle taxes. If you have to register it for a plate, you have to pay the tax.
That varies wildly from state to state, though.
Cheshire wrote:
I'm decidedly against taxing simply based on using the road. That way lies ridiculousness such as bicycle taxes, pedestrian/jogger taxes, and other silliness cagers typically foam at the mouth about.
No, not on simply using the road -- it should be based on actual impact. Big trucks do the most damage to the road, and the scale slides down roughly by weight.
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Cheshire wrote:
I'm decidedly against taxing simply based on using the road. That way lies ridiculousness such as bicycle taxes, pedestrian/jogger taxes, and other silliness cagers typically foam at the mouth about.
Sooo construction and upkeep of roads should be paid by...?
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phaskins wrote:
Sooo construction and upkeep of roads should be paid by...?
Mostly by taxes on gasoline. These would incentivize higher efficiency of use of fuel, which would also drive toward smaller vehicles that cause less wear and tear. It also has the benefit of pushing away from gas and diesel as fuels.

Then by registration fees. Higher fee for heavier vehicle is fine by me. Motorcycles should be cheap, super cheap, for obviously biased reasons.

Until EVs account for, say, 25% of road users and road miles, I'd just keep raising rates on the gas tax. It was ~20 years ago or so I was of a mind to increase the gas tax $0.10/gallon per year, every year.

So how to "make" EV drivers pay? Increase the electrical charges. Specifically, stop thinking about gas tax as gas tax, but rather as energy tax. And tax energy relative to the full, and environmental, costs. Oh, so you put solar on your roof? Huh, that's sort of the end goal anyway, isn't it?
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Madison Sully wrote:
Mostly by taxes on gasoline. These would incentivize higher efficiency of use of fuel, which would also drive toward smaller vehicles that cause less wear and tear. It also has the benefit of pushing away from gas and diesel as fuels.

Then by registration fees. Higher fee for heavier vehicle is fine by me. Motorcycles should be cheap, super cheap, for obviously biased reasons.

Until EVs account for, say, 25% of road users and road miles, I'd just keep raising rates on the gas tax. It was ~20 years ago or so I was of a mind to increase the gas tax $0.10/gallon per year, every year.

So how to "make" EV drivers pay? Increase the electrical charges. Specifically, stop thinking about gas tax as gas tax, but rather as energy tax. And tax energy relative to the full, and environmental, costs. Oh, so you put solar on your roof? Huh, that's sort of the end goal anyway, isn't it?
That was a question for Cheshire but, yes, I see what you're saying. More or less keep it as it is except with an accelerated tax increase as the current tax models fall short of funding. That about right?
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Well, we are having fun now. Thanks everyone for your valuable
input. I don't think we should disparage anyone for their opinion.
We all know Bill Dog is one of those wonderful character actors
in life that adds much - actually just like Jess.

So, I am signing off on this thread - much enjoyed.

So, in case you have noticed, I am an old fashion conservative.
Kind of arrived at over many years in management fighting
against mediocrity. I had to make some calls that went well
financially both for myself and the company. That by no
means I am infallible.

My call, the too quick move to damaging the fossil fuel industry
is displacing us economically. To much to soon. The dollar plus
measurement is not even benefitting the environment.

Just one Dogs opinion.

Having a good cigar and brandy - Happy New Year Everyone.
See you on the scooter trail.

Bob Copeland
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phaskins wrote:
Sooo construction and upkeep of roads should be paid by...?
I don't care specifically: if they want me to solve that, I expect a government salary and benefits. More seriously, that way lies p-p-p-Politics.

stone head: "BEWARE! For the..."
Hoggle: "Just...don't."
stone head: "Aww, but I haven't said it in such a long time!"
(Thank you, Jim Henson.)

I wasn't referring to a specific tax. I was referring to general sentiment of "everyone who uses them should pay, no freeloaders." It's a common rant for, among other things, the periodical push to require registration & plates for bicycles, drivers licenses for 50cc scooters and mopeds, etc. It's a FOMO, crab bucket mentality. There's multiple systems in place already for infrastructure funding.

I also use the road to walk the dog, ride a bicycle, to get to the trail head. What...do these people want me to register my friggin' wheelchair, cane, crutches, prosthetic leg, or shoes with the DOT? ROFL emoticon

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Cheshire wrote:
I don't care specifically: if they want me to solve that, I expect a government salary and benefits. More seriously, that way lies p-p-p-Politics.

stone head: "BEWARE! For the..."
Hoggle: "Just...don't."
stone head: "Aww, but I haven't said it in such a long time!"
(Thank you, Jim Henson.)

I wasn't referring to a specific tax. I was referring to general sentiment of "everyone who uses them should pay, no freeloaders." It's a common rant for, among other things, the periodical push to require registration & plates for bicycles, drivers licenses for 50cc scooters and mopeds, etc. It's a FOMO, crab bucket mentality. There's multiple systems in place already for infrastructure funding.

I also use the road to walk the dog, ride a bicycle, to get to the trail head. What...do these people want me to register my friggin' wheelchair, cane, crutches, prosthetic leg, or shoes with the DOT? ROFL emoticon
I could be wrong, but I think there is a difference in terms of the impact on a road from biking/walking versus driving a multi-ton truck on it.

As Madison Sully pointed out, the fuel tax is a form of "driving taxation", and it takes into account both miles driven (i.e. impact on roads) and vehicle emissions (i.e. the more you drive, the more you emit pollution, the more you pay). The problem with relying on a fuel tax in a small state like Connecticut is that out-of-state vehicles can easily drive through the state without buying fuel in the state; these drivers put wear on infrastructure and pollution in the air. However, because the fuel tax is Connecticut's primary means of taxing drivers using state roads, out-of-state "drive-through drivers" can be exempt from compensating the Connecticut residents who regularly use the roads and breathe the air. This is why I favor tolls in the case of my home state.
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Cheshire wrote:
There's multiple systems in place already for infrastructure funding.
Yes, but we all can't help but notice that our infrastructure continues to deteriorate. I take it that means we are underfunding repair/restoration of our highways, bridges, power grid, etc.
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People seem to think all registration fees and fuel taxes go towards the roads - they don't in general, anywhere. It all goes into the (whatever) general taxation bucket. Only in a very few cases are funds ring-fenced for transport infrastructure - there are a few here in California.

Taxing vehicles according to miles travelled can be seen as discriminating against those who live in rural environments. So there's no easy single solution. The current methods of mixing fixed vehicle charges (annual registration etc) with pay-as-you-go fuel taxes can be argued as the most equitable, whatever that fuel is used for.

But that's for economists and ecologists to argue over.
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I think you are spot on. Funds get collected for roads and infrastructure
and end up in the States General Fund. It is hard for them to keep
their hands off this money.

The same thing happened on the national level with social security.
There was so much money in the fund, the congress could not keep
their hands off it and started using the money for other budget items.

Despite saying this, there is an amazing amount of road/bridge
projects going on here in Frostbite Falls Minnesota. Due to delays,
I think a lot of this is being funded from clear back in the Obama

Up here we freeze our roads to keep them pristine.

Bob Copeland
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Madison Sully wrote:
So how to "make" EV drivers pay? Increase the electrical charges.
How do you separate the electric bill increase from non EV households? Wouldn't it be the same as increasing gas tax for muscle cars and Fortresses of solitude.
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breaknwind wrote:
How do you separate the electric bill increase from non EV households? Wouldn't it be the same as increasing gas tax for muscle cars and Fortresses of solitude.
You don't. Energy is energy - you pay for what you use, regardless of the use.

Transport infrastructure is a necessary component of our societies - those who never use a car still rely on all sorts of things that use transport of various kinds. So we all pay for it, just as we do for defence and other government expenditure on our behalf.
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jimc wrote:
You don't. Energy is energy - you pay for what you use, regardless of the use.

Transport infrastructure is a necessary component of our societies - those who never use a car still rely on all sorts of things that use transport of various kinds. So we all pay for it, just as we do for defence and other government expenditure on our behalf.
Exactly so.
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This is a couple of years old, but I liked the hybrid concept.

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Bob Copeland wrote:
The same thing happened on the national level with social security.
There was so much money in the fund, the congress could not keep
their hands off it and started using the money for other budget items.
No, it didn't. That is 100% false.

Here's some references. Please please take a moment to read a few of them:

Social Security Administration: Debunking some myths

AARP: 10 Social Security Myths That Refuse to Die

Motley Fool: How Much Money Has Congress Taken From Social Security?

The person or media outlet that told you that the government raided the Social Security fund was outright lying to you. They had an agenda -- fomenting mistrust in the federal government -- and you have become their unwitting pawn by repeating the lie.

I urge you to take a moment and understand confirmation bias -- the tendency we all have to accept things that reinforce our existing beliefs. This phenomena is mostly responsible for the blind acceptance of misinformation.

Please, Bob. Do it for yourself. Do it for us.
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giallo wrote:
Indeed, there are many studies, for example this one:

A Comparative study on Electric Vehicle and Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles

K. Poornesh, K. P. Nivya and K. Sireesha, "A Comparative study on Electric Vehicle and Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles," 2020 International Conference on Smart Electronics and Communication (ICOSEC), 2020, pp. 1179-1183, doi: 10.1109/ICOSEC49089.2020.9215386.

Electrification of the vehicles gains a significant research importance due to the increasing amount of greenhouse gas (GHG) emission by using conventional internal combustion engine vehicles (ICEV). The major benefits of electric vehicles (EVs) are a reduced amount of carbon monoxide (CO) emissions, higher efficiency, performance, and lower maintenance costs. It also allows energy diversification by switching to renewable resources. This paper analyzes the efficiency of an EV with ICEV by considering various parameters like required torque, speed and distance traveled. The simulation is developed in MATLAB/Simulink and analysis is presented for various performance metrics as a measure.

Whatchu got to scientifically prove the opposite, meaning with rant-mode off and citing sources?
Not to detract from the topic/argument but this is not really the most credible academic citation based on publication venue, citation count and the academic institution of the authors.
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A table spoon of my special elixir can clear out arteries. Watch my video. Razz emoticon
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jess wrote:
No, it didn't. That is 100% false.

Here's some references. Please please take a moment to read a few of them:

Social Security Administration: Debunking some myths

AARP: 10 Social Security Myths That Refuse to Die

Motley Fool: How Much Money Has Congress Taken From Social Security?

The person or media outlet that told you that the government raided the Social Security fund was outright lying to you. They had an agenda -- fomenting mistrust in the federal government -- and you have become their unwitting pawn by repeating the lie.

I urge you to take a moment and understand confirmation bias -- the tendency we all have to accept things that reinforce our existing beliefs. This phenomena is mostly responsible for the blind acceptance of misinformation.

Please, Bob. Do it for yourself. Do it for us.
This thread should be closed.
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breaknwind wrote:
How do you separate the electric bill increase from non EV households? Wouldn't it be the same as increasing gas tax for muscle cars and Fortresses of solitude.
To expand a bit on the "you don't" comment, consider this:
When I buy gas for my lawn mower, I still pay the gas tax.
But I also have a choice to have either a gas powered mower (or string trimmer, or tiller, edger, or even chain saw), or electric.

Personally I'd like it if all sources of energy were treated the same.
Same subsidies, same taxes, but with prices commensurate with the actual costs of procuring and using said energy. And if taxes are used to balance those prices, so be it. (Meaning, if gas taxes are higher due to the environmental costs of procuring and using, I'm in favor of such taxation). Exactly how that all works I have no idea.
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johnymoore wrote:
Not to detract from the topic/argument but this is not really the most credible academic citation based on publication venue, citation count and the academic institution of the authors.
Uh, this is just one random example. This is but one of many in a sea of papers coming to the same conclusions.

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Must be careful in places that allow one to express their opinions to then be attacked and threatened by those whose opinions that that differ from their own.

This post was not quite
What we were hoping to see
Try again, perhaps?
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Anyhoo, ciao.

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frank thomas wrote:
Must be careful in places that allow one to express their opinions to then be attacked and threatened by those whose opinions that that differ from their own.
Naming and disparaging politicians (or political parties) is the very definition of political, Frank. I've removed your post, and I would caution you that relatively new members are given a shorter runway in this forum.

We are not anti-conservative or anti-liberal here. But we are most definitely anti-bullshit and anti-misinformation.

Please exercise the appropriate restraint.
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Until they can charge a vehicle fully in five minutes they're just impractical toys. If you get trapped on the highway in an electric car because of a blizzard you're gonna die. That's another issue. No thanks. 🤷🏽‍♂️
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Robsteeler66 wrote:
Until they can charge a vehicle fully in five minutes they're just impractical toys. If you get trapped on the highway in an electric car because of a blizzard you're gonna die. That's another issue. No thanks. 🤷🏽‍♂️
If this is true, and I give it basically zero credibility, but here goes:
If this is true, how do you explain the popularity of EVs in Norway?
I mean, they have both snow, and wind, so blizzards have to be common enough.
Facepalm emoticon
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Robsteeler66 wrote:
Until they can charge a vehicle fully in five minutes they're just impractical toys.
This is mostly (but not entirely) untrue. As anyone who has owned an electric vehicle has discovered, charging in your driveway while you're asleep means never having to fill up on the go. Charging at work or while shopping works really well, too. And there's actually a certain zen joy at not having to stop at gas stations -- not out of any environmental smugness, just out of sheer convenience.

I would go so far as to say it's ICE cars that are inconvenient in that respect. Unless you have a gas station in your driveway.

Where the charging time starts to hurt is on road trips. Okay, you got me there. But road trips are like 1% of the use case of cars. Dismissing them as toys because of that 1% use case is... well that seems like throwing the baby out with the bathwater.
Robsteeler66 wrote:
If you get trapped on the highway in an electric car because of a blizzard you're gonna die.
Care to elaborate on that topic?
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jess wrote:
charging in your driveway while you're asleep means never having to fill up on the go. Charging at work ...
Not available to large parts of the population.

I personally don't have a driveway and I don't commute* to work by car as parking in the city is crazy expensive.

Convenient for some people but not others.

* I don't actually commute anymore
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jess wrote:
Care to elaborate on that topic?
What exactly don't you understand? If you are trapped on a highway in an electric car you will run out of charge. If rescue workers can't get to you, you're going to freeze to death. No charge=no heat. I honestly thought you were being facetious in your support of e-cars. If you run out of charge, can someone bring you 5 gallons of electricity? I just don't think they're better for the environment, and they are less practical. Not for me in their current form. They also need to make some noise. They're stupid creepy sneaking around like that. 😂
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Robsteeler66 wrote:
What exactly don't you understand? If you are trapped on a highway in an electric car you will run out of charge. If rescue workers can't get to you, you're going to freeze to death. No charge=no heat. I honestly thought you were being facetious in your support of e-cars. If you run out of charge, can someone bring you 5 gallons of electricity? I just don't think they're better for the environment, and they are less practical. Not for me in their current form. They also need to make some noise. They're stupid creepy sneaking around like that. 😂
"Drivers report approximately 1.5-2.5 kW of heater draw in outside temperatures from 35 to 15 degrees Fahrenheit. With 50% charge on a 32kWh battery, that translates to between 6.5-10.5 hours of heat on a 15-35 degree day; double that on a full charge"

and also further reading: https://www.caranddriver.com/news/a38807463/tesla-model-3-climate-control-cold-weather-test/

I think extrapolating to that "you will die" is a little far fetched... but I'll agree that I don't like the fact they are silent in parking lots and on the road at low speeds.
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greasy125 wrote:
"Drivers report approximately 1.5-2.5 kW of heater draw in outside temperatures from 35 to 15 degrees Fahrenheit. With 50% charge on a 32kWh battery, that translates to between 6.5-10.5 hours of heat on a 15-35 degree day; double that on a full charge"

and also further reading: https://www.caranddriver.com/news/a38807463/tesla-model-3-climate-control-cold-weather-test/

I think extrapolating to that "you will die" is a little far fetched... but I'll agree that I don't like the fact they are silent in parking lots and on the road at low speeds.
But what if I get caught in a blizzard on my electric moped? They don't have 32kW hour batteries to power their heaters that they don't actually have anyway! This is terrifying!
Can the rescue service bring me a hot water bottle to stuff down my jacket of something? A hot cup of tea might do the trick too. Maybe keep an emergency thermos in the pet carrier?
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znomit wrote:
But what if I get caught in a blizzard on my electric moped? They don't have 32kW hour batteries to power their heaters that they don't actually have anyway! This is terrifying!
Can the rescue service bring me a hot water bottle to stuff down my jacket of something? A hot cup of tea might do the trick too. Maybe keep an emergency thermos in the pet carrier?
you're on a electric moped, you deserved whatever you've gotten yourself into.

rescue service will deliver a swift kick to the coin purse and a "I told you so"
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SteelBytes wrote:
Not available to large parts of the population.
I'm not arguing for 100% EVs. I'm arguing that the arguments against them are largely fictitious. Yes, they don't serve 100% of the population. That's okay.
⚠️ Last edited by jess on UTC; edited 1 time
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Over here electric delivery vans project a noise out the "grille" that sounds like white noise.

The tone of the noise doesn't change with the speed of the vehicle which makes it a little weird.

I think that Gattaca got the sound just right 25 years ago.
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Robsteeler66 wrote:
What exactly don't you understand?
I typed out a long response to your post. Ultimately, though, I chose not to hit the submit button.

This sentence above that I've quoted above, though? That's a hard no.
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