Some days, I wake up in the morning, drink my tea, and ponder the question "What shall I do with my day today?"
This is usually a pleasant quandary. I could do something in my shop, or do something DIY around the house, or add some new, fun feature to MV, or maybe even something completely crazy like leaving the house!
Other days, I peruse my email and discover something that isn't nearly as interesting but needs attention. Yesterday, it was a missive from Amazon AWS informing me of upcoming bulk email sender requirements at Gmail and Yahoo Mail.
So yesterday was largely spent on the vastly uninteresting details of bulk email sending requirements. And I don't even think the requirements really apply to Modern Vespa, as we don't send anywhere near 5000 emails per day. Still, being compliant now means I maybe won't have to deal with it as an emergency at some point in the future.
The upshot of all of this is that any topic reply email notification or PM reply email notification that you receive in your inbox now has an automatic one-click-unsubscribe option built into the header. This is different from the unsubscribe link that I've already been including at the bottom. That one brings you to a landing page and lets you select what you want to unsubscribe from (there are now a few options).
The new one-click-unsubscribe link would be executed by your email reader (at your request) and doesn't present you with any options -- it just sends the command to MV and MV is expected to comply with it. And since (for a topic replay notification) it's not entirely clear exactly what the user wants to unsubscribe from at that point -- we only know that the user wants to unsubscribe from something -- we play it safe and unsubscribe them from all topic reply email notifications across the board.