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GermanGTSDriver wrote:
It does not work with "where", "who","when" and "how" either…
SteelBytes wrote:
Can't search for the word 'what'. Thread i was searching for was "Another what did you do to your Vespa today thread"
There are a bunch of common words that it does not index. All of these are examples of that. They show up so commonly that indexing them becomes pointless -- more noise than signal.

This is fairly standard in search indexing.
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znomit wrote:
For timeouts instead of an outright ban can users be restricted to NSM for punishment as and when deemed appropriate. This might provide better attitude adjustment than stewing at home.
If they are a vintage rider restrict them to the MP3 section.
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vintage red matthew wrote:
If they are a vintage rider restrict them to the MP3 section.
Would be easier just to combine the two forums.
Hey, there's a gteat idea no person has ever thought of before.
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znomit wrote:
Would be easier just to combine the two forums.
Hey, there's a gteat idea no person has ever thought of before.
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Has this been covered? When editing a post prior to actually posting (or maybe even thereafter!) and wishing to make some text bold or italic or whatever, pressing the relevant button always puts the BBcode at the end of the post, NOT where the cursor is. So I at least then add the relevant BBcode by hand, and then of course when I actually post the end BBcode [/b] or whatever gets added automagically. So I have to go back and edit the post yet again...

I have no clue if this is easily remedied, but if it isn't too much of a PITA, it'd be welcomed if achieved.
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jimc wrote:
Has this been covered? When editing a post prior to actually posting (or maybe even thereafter!) and wishing to make some text bold or italic or whatever, pressing the relevant button always puts the BBcode at the end of the post, NOT where the cursor is. So I at least then add the relevant BBcode by hand, and then of course when I actually post the end BBcode [/b] or whatever gets added automagically. So I have to go back and edit the post yet again...

I have no clue if this is easily remedied, but if it isn't too much of a PITA, it'd be welcomed if achieved.
Can you clarify the steps? In particular, are you selecting text to be styled, then pressing the button? Or moving the insertion cursor to the middle of the text (with nothing highlighted) and then pressing the button?

Highlighting a word (or words) that you've already typed and hitting one of the style buttons seems to work as expected (for me). The hacked-up javascript doesn't seem to support moving the cursor to the middle of the text and then -- with no text selected -- pressing one of the style buttons. But if memory serves, that behavior was to remedy another issue that someone was having, and seems like a weird use case.
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Not highlighting, but having the BBcode inserted just where the cursor is. I can't remember what the objection to this was - it may well have been a valid problem.

I'll try to remember to highlight - that seems very sensible anyway.
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jimc wrote:
I'll try to remember to highlight - that seems very sensible anyway.
It's probably the easiest way to style text that you've already written, at least.

I'll look at the (evil) javascript to see if I can make sense of why it's behaving the way it is.
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jess wrote:
It's probably the easiest way to style text that you've already written, at least.

I'll look at the (evil) javascript to see if I can make sense of why it's behaving the way it is.
Ta muchly.
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I think I've had it happen where I click a button and get a tag like {url}, then I'll type the URL and manually close the {/url}.

The forum is in an intermediate state though, so it goes "OH HEY YOU FORGOT THIS" and throws an unnecessary {/url} at the end of the post.

Obviously, replace { with [ and url with whichever button you clicked.
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mayorofnow wrote:
The forum is in an intermediate state though, so it goes "OH HEY YOU FORGOT THIS" and throws an unnecessary /url at the end of the post.
Yep. That's expected (though not necessarily ideal) behavior. You can actually see the intermediate state -- an asterisk appears in the style button above the text editing field, showing that you've opened the tag. If you don't close the tag by hitting the style button a second time, then it will assume you forgot it and append it onto the end of your message in a (usually futile) attempt at preventing broken BBCode.

Unfortunately, the javascript is not nearly smart enough to actually parse the text you've typed to see that you closed the tag manually.
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This might be a bar too high (bridge too far, pick your metaphor), might be just a rant on my part...

Anyway to automate to restrict and/or warn posters who post a wall of text?

I honestly cannot read or comprehend these posts. There is a topic on page 1, from someone seeking technical advice. I'm on a 27" monitor and still have to scroll down to read the entire wall of text. Not just the first post, but multiple followup posts in response to those who do manage to slog through, and offer advice. Lots of info, lots of questions, lots of "here's what I did/tried". I would like to contribute, but I honestly can't. Maybe it's just me...

Perhaps a simple prompt like "Are you sure you want to post this wall of text?" I know there are problems depending on the device (mobile, desktop, tablet, etc.) and posters might not even realize they are doing this.

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starreem wrote:
This might be a bar too high (bridge too far, pick your metaphor), might be just a rant on my part...

Anyway to automate to restrict and/or warn posters who post a wall of text?
It's not difficult to detect, actually. Where it gets tricky is setting the specific boundaries (i.e. ratio of text to paragraph breaks) such that it triggers when it needs to and doesn't when it doesn't. For instance, our esteemed friend from Down Under (SteelBytes) seems to take great joy in finding ways to break the anti-shouting caps-lock filter. Not to shout, mind you, but to point out how futile automated filters are.

In any case, feel free to PM me a link to the offending post so I can consider the magnitude required.
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Several times I offered to buy Judy a new enter key to replace her obviously broken one.
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jess wrote:
In any case, feel free to PM me a link to the offending post so I can consider the magnitude required.
Cheers Jess!
PM sent
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znomit wrote:
Several times I offered to buy Judy a new enter key to replace her obviously broken one.
Awww. I miss Judy.
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I've just spent the last day and a half making topics load, on average, about 3ms faster.

Three milliseconds!

I need to re-evaluate my life priorities.
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jess wrote:
I've just spent the last day and a half making topics load, on average, about 3ms faster.

Three milliseconds!

I need to re-evaluate my life priorities.
think how many miles you could have ridden
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SteelBytes wrote:
think how many miles you could have ridden
Well, none, actually, since I am languishing at home with a herniated disc and all my scooters are broken.
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Get well, Jess, also, scooters of Jess.
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Instead of banning people can they just get only the preview and "Just walk away" buttons?
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znomit wrote:
Instead of banning people can they just get only the preview and "Just walk away" buttons?
This is not the worst idea I've ever heard. Or entertained.
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jess wrote:
This is not the worst idea I've ever heard. Or entertained.
Can there be an algorithm to suggest "Just walk away" if you've had a few thumbs down in a particular thread already?
Probably a red flag to a bull I guess.
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I don't know if I am just memory handicapped or historically limited in my experience of computers - I was born and raised BC - but I would really like to pick up on my previous posts without having to try to remember the topic titles.

Elsewhere on a different forum, there is a 'My Posts' button that returns a list of topics where I have posted, nicely sorted in 'last date first' order. That is most convenient...!
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Fudmucker wrote:
I don't know if I am just memory handicapped or historically limited in my experience of computers - I was born and raised BC - but I would really like to pick up on my previous posts without having to try to remember the topic titles.

Elsewhere on a different forum, there is a 'My Posts' button that returns a list of topics where I have posted, nicely sorted in 'last date first' order. That is most convenient...!
I think what you're looking for is one of the "synthetic forums" that we build for each member automatically. It's on the main index page (that you get when you click the logo at the top of the page).

The "Replied" forum will show you everything you've replied to, and the color of the icon when you're looking at it from the main page will tell you if there's anything new (i.e. unread) in it.

You can also rely to a large degree on the notifications that you get (the bell icon at the top of every page). When someone quotes you, or when someone replies to a topic you've started, then you'll get notified.
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Click on your name.
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znomit wrote:
Click on your name.
I think that works, but that's probably the harder way to do it.
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jess wrote:
I think that works, but that's probably the harder way to do it.
Definitely not making things easy for any South African this weekend.
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There is only one stupid question - the one you should have asked, but didn't !

Now I have two options to confuse myself...!

Thank you and 'obrigado', Jess.

'Whakawhetai koe' to Pigletpilot and Znomit as well.

May the better team win on Saturday !

(PS -Both teams are playing for a record 4th Rugby World Cup trophy.)
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Fudmucker wrote:
May the better team win on Saturday !

(PS -Both teams are playing for a record 4th Rugby World Cup trophy.)
Greedy B**tards, can't you let us Europeans win it now and again?
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jess wrote:
Generally speaking, MV avoids forum subdivisions whenever possible. I realize it is common among many (even most) forums to add categories and subforums for every possible variation of an idea, but I am officially on record as believing that those forums are doing it wrong.

Forum subdivision makes people hunt for new content, and topics that are outside the main forum (General Discussion, in our case) tend to see much, much, much less traffic. You can see examples of that right here at MV, for the very few times that we've gone against our guiding principles and created subforums.

This is especially relevant for a niche forum like Modern Vespa, where we don't have a huge worldwide audience to begin with. Subdividing MV's audience would tend to fragment what little critical mass we have into sub-parts that, together, make up less than their sum.

TL;DR: Sorry, it's unlikely to happen.
I don't like too many sub forums UNLESS it's on a forum so busy that threads don't even live for a day or two on the first page of General. MV is super active but not that crazy.

Is it worth considering adding tags? So if someone really wanted to see a bunch of GTS-specific content they could easily scroll through?

I guess the gamble is complicating things for a feature people might not use.
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adri wrote:
I don't like too many sub forums UNLESS it's on a forum so busy that threads don't even live for a day or two on the first page of General. MV is super active but not that crazy.
There was a point in 2008 when MV was, in fact, crazy busy -- the whole front page was less than an hour or two old at any given time. But that was quite a long time ago.
adri wrote:
Is it worth considering adding tags? So if someone really wanted to see a bunch of GTS-specific content they could easily scroll through?
The problem with tags is not necessarily the complication (though that's always a consideration, at least) but that someone has to actually tag the content. Given what I know about the behavior of the MV audience as a whole, I would guess that tags would be a big fat fail.

But hey, I've been wrong before.

(Tags have been on my radar for a long time now).
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Fudmucker wrote:
Now I have two options to confuse myself...!
Just to make things spicy, I've added a third option.

Znomit's method of "click on your name" presupposes that you have a convenient link of your own name to click on somewhere (say, in a thread you're already looking at). But this is a chicken-and-egg problem: if you're looking for the threads you've replied to, then by definition you don't have any of your own posts in front of you.

The method I offered above is a bit more reliable, but has the added cost of needing to go home to the main page. I still think the "Replied" synthetic forum is the one you want, though -- it shows the topics you've replied to, in order of most recently replied (i.e. freshest) on top.

The new, third option is through your profile picture in the upper right corner of every page. There, you will find a new entry for "My Posts", which will take you to your own Forum Activity page (as suggested by Znomit, but in a more reliably available fashion).
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Ideally, the Forum Activity page would also let you see Topics Replied to (or some such) like the Replied synthetic forum does. But that's a project for Future Jess.
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adri wrote:
Is it worth considering adding tags? So if someone really wanted to see a bunch of GTS-specific content they could easily scroll through?
Oh, forgot to mention: there's another reason why tags would be an epic failure. Bill Dog would pollute the tags with nonsense, because Bill Dog. This is 100% the reason why posts no longer have their own titles.

And this is why we can't have nice things.
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could you make it so if I click a link to a comment in the same thread that it doesn't open a new tab? ie if it's on the same page then it can just scroll and if it's a different page then change content of tab.
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SteelBytes wrote:
could you make it so if I click a link to a comment in the same thread that it doesn't open a new tab? ie if it's on the same page then it can just scroll and if it's a different page then change content of tab.
Are you talking about the post links (see image below)?

Those @#%^ things are the bane of my existence. They're a legacy thing from the early days of this forum software, and they have been no end of pain. BingBot (and to a lesser degree GoogleBot) insists on crawling those non-canonical versions of forum content, despite my having done everything in my power to indicate that they are NOT canonical content and should NOT be crawled.

I currently have a removal request lodged with google to remove about 400,000 of them.

So, the point of those post links (if we're talking about the same thing, and I am not entirely sure we are) is to provide a permanent and direct link to the post in question, regardless of which page it happens to be on. The textbook example is that if a post is the first post on page 2, and a post on page 1 gets removed, then the first post on page 2 actually slips back to page one, and renders previous links to it as invalid.

So your suggestion, while it would seem to make some sense, would also tend to defeat the purpose of the permanent post links.

But honestly, I'm half inclined to get rid of them and return 404s to the idiot search engines.
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jess wrote:
Are you talking about the post links (see image below)?
no sorry, these ones
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SteelBytes wrote:
Got it.

The short answer is "I don't know". The longer answer is "Yes, with enough effort and beer, it's definitely possible".

The link itself is parsed into HTML long before you even looked at the thread. I cache every thread post in HTML form the first time it is requested, and then dump the cache when the post gets edited (or something else requires re-parsing). So I can't selectively alter the link based on the page it is being displayed on.

A more feasible approach might be to do a preflight pass with javascript and substitute the link, in much the same way we preflight Amazon links.

(And yes, we are talking about post links here, still the bane of my existence, but from a different source than I thought you were talking about).
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