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I have a question about registration for AmeriVespa in Flagstaff.
It appears that if one registers as a family it will include seats for TWO at the banquet AND will include two shirts. My riding buddy is planning to attend with me and will be riding my son in law's Kymco scooter.
I would like to get the best deal for us and it looks like registering for a family is the way to go, correct?
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@glen_g avatar

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Hi, yes, it's a little confusing (and my club, Phoenix Scooter Club is hosting). I'm assuming you've gotten your answer by now. The "Family" registration as I understand it is not for 2 riders, it is for riders that bring a family member, ie a spouse. This was important because since we announced the event in MN Amerivespa last year, we've really wanted this to be a family event and people are welcome to bring family who are not riding... it's the Grand Canyon State after all! We will be having some special events / info just for those family and friends who came to this great tourist destination but won't be riding.

Bottom line, always feel free to email the VCOA directly (email on their website) with any specific questions.

Take care,
Glen G
President, Phoenix Scooter Club
Buzzuma wrote:
I have a question about registration for AmeriVespa in Flagstaff.
It appears that if one registers as a family it will include seats for TWO at the banquet AND will include two shirts. My riding buddy is planning to attend with me and will be riding my son in law's Kymco scooter.
I would like to get the best deal for us and it looks like registering for a family is the way to go, correct?

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Too late. I already paid for two. I'll just claim my buddy as my "significant other". Please see reply from Josh below:

On Feb 27, 2023, at 11:00 AM, Josh Rogers <president> wrote:

Yes its included. While thats not the intent of the Family pack its OK. Family pack comes with two shirts and two spots at the dinner.

Josh Rogers
President Vespa Club of America
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2006 Vespa GT200, 2010 Pegeot Satalis 500, 2006 Piaggio BV 500
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So just to clarify. I just purchased a family registration. I and my wife are riding our scooters. Did I purchase the correct registration?

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I would say yes. You get two banquet dinners and two shirts.
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mongoandjane wrote:
So just to clarify. I just purchased a family registration. I and my wife are riding our scooters. Did I purchase the correct registration?
glen g wrote:
The "Family" registration as I understand it is not for 2 riders, it is for riders that bring a family member, ie a spouse.

Take care,
Glen G
President, Phoenix Scooter Club
If you each have your own scooter, you will need to purchase two tickets. The Family registration is for those with a backseat guest, pillion, cupcake, or go two-up. It isn't for individual riders within the same group or family.
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mongoandjane wrote:
[post indicating his attendance]
Glad to hear you'll be there. You can finally repay me *yay*
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