2006 LX 50 4 stroke 2 valve
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2006 LX 50 4 stroke 2 valve
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Hello, I found the location of the spark plug, and was able to get the tool down over the plug, but there is not enough room to turn it or even fit the screwdriver through the holes. Are there more steps I'm missing? thanks for your help

ZAP C 386B
spark plug location
spark plug location
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BV400, Primavera 150, Yamaha Zuma 125
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Looks like you need a regular spark plug socket and a flexible ratchet.

What do you other LX 50 owners use?

2006 LX 50 4 stroke 2 valve
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2006 LX 50 4 stroke 2 valve
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thank you for your reply, I was thinking maybe some kind of ratched , maybe that's why the tools have never been opened
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They are hard to reach. Watch your fingers!
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Usually that tool is the only one worth keeping from the kit as it's perfect for getting the plug out.
You can probably pull it out a bit and it will still work.
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BV400, Primavera 150, Yamaha Zuma 125
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I use a short piece of a car's fuel line slipped over the plug to make it easier to start to screw the plug in.
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2020 GTS 300, 2011 LX150ie
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I just changed the plug in my LX 150. Not sure if it's the same as the LX 50. I ended up disconnecting the rear shock and jacking the body up a bit. That gave me enough room to work in the tight area. Major PITA.
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