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Does anyone have any experience with the SIP brand classic looking 3.5x10 tires? Normally Zippy 1's are my go to tire for pretty much anything, but i'm looking for something a bit more vintage looking to use on my rusty VB1 200 project. So most of the riding will be at around 55~65mph. Obviously the tires are rated for that speed, but if someone has some real world experience with how the tires perform in the rain, in the twisties, hard braking, and longevity.

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None by me - but they look great.
Like this direction.

Shot this at Bar Italia.
Believe this is the oldest or one of the oldest/first Vespas.
It's bad-assery was epic.
Tires a critical part of the look.

(That front mud guard is what I would like to try and fab something like).
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@ray8 avatar

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Take a look at the BGM* Classic, Whodat.

I posted about them on Oops' "non directional tires" thread a while back. I've put enough miles on them to say they're quite awesome, in regards to your list.

Interesting tread pattern. They're directional but same direction front/rear. Interchangeable front-rear-spare.
*BGM branded Heidenau's.

I'm pretty sure the SIP's are excellent too. Made in Vietnam FWIW.
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whodatschrome wrote:
Looks like roughly $45/tire ( for a set) shipped to NY.
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I put the tubeless ones on my GL, I like them
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Why don't they just call it an Sip83?

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I also rock the SIP tubeless tires. No issues aside from being the devils taint to get on the rims! But that's what you want in tubeless.

No rain or wet riding for me but they perform very well in the dry twisty roads I take.
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That "Classic" logo though…
@orwell84 avatar

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Reminds me of back in the old days when it never occurred to me that there could be different tires.
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