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72 150cc vbb
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@gotta_know_joe_hobbies avatar
72 150cc vbb
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Crying or Very sad emoticon My 4 speed I just bought was running fine the shifting was smooth too. All of a sudden shifting got stuff so o pulled both cables the clutch and cable seem to be fine ..the shifting pawl no cables is very stiff to xhange by hand . I need to rotate rear tire whe I try to shift i hear a knock sound hollow sound like the gears are not syncing can low oil cause this or what other things to look for. I'm new at this vespa wrenching. Cheers joe
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@greasy125 avatar

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@greasy125 avatar
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what do you mean by the shifting got "stiff"? the shifter handle was hard to turn? or the clutch lever felt very tight and heavy?

you should need to turn the wheel to select gears, that's the nature of the gear box. the shift selector/box should be relatively tight and take some force to move by hand.

have you checked the gearbox oil? have you inspected the clutch?

do you have any further information on the bike? they didn't make a vbb in 72 so who know's what you're working with...
@gotta_know_joe_hobbies avatar

72 150cc vbb
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@gotta_know_joe_hobbies avatar
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Typo it's 1962. Fat thumbs old eyes. This scooter was restored 5 or 6 yrs ago. The man passed so no communication from last Owener as to what all was done. It appears the cables were not replaced on shifter but the clutch cables were.
My definition of stiff refers not to the selector on the bars as i removered the cables looking for my problem [remember i was able to get a benmark feel operating the scooter for 4 or 5 miles] it shifted fine and then it was real hard to change gears. I knew mechanically it could be cables, the shifter on the bars or in the gear box i sepererated the 3 'isolating and ruling out. The cables i found to worn one had a little more resistance than the other but not enuff to cause the bike not to shift. 2nd the handlebar selector it was free and smooth. Last i tried to change gears manually at the pawl or seletor part number 92101 the 5 spot selector 1,n,2,3,4 . Mechanically I'm not sure how hard this should be to turn but from past experience it is much harder. Mrhank I think it shout be. In the diagram I see an arm that goes from the selector to something in the trans not sure if the issue is here or not.. I do know with clutch pulled in the bike rolls free even if it is in gear..' so the clutch is disengaged fully when clutch is pulled In. Hope this gives more insight thank u for ur time. Joe
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the selector should be quite tight, almost difficult to operate on the bike by hand. the cables give you the mechanical advantage that make it work smoothly.

you can always pull it off and check the action on it. that may also give you some insight as to what's going on.

real hard to change gears could be any number of things. an out of adjustment or kinked cable, a poorly adjusted clutch or worn/gummed up selector box could be a culprit.

the shifter arm connects to the plunger rod which the shift cross is mounted to and in combination moves in the axle to engage the gears. if the plunger is hanging up that could cause stiff shifting.

however, you didn't answer whether you'd checked the gearbox oil yet.
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72 150cc vbb
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@gotta_know_joe_hobbies avatar
72 150cc vbb
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I have not. I looked for mougal gear oil locally but had no luck. I'm in the middle of a home remodel and we have a small but busy business so 5 mins here 15 there, just small spotty times to investigate. I'm going into this with zero mechanical vespa knowledge and a couple hundred riding miles 45 yrs ago. I was blessed with a restore manual and repair manual..for the scooter but,..like vw vespa seems very simple and I like others over think things coming into this with a background in large bikes and cars. I guess I expect things to be more tricky than they really are.
I've tried to explain my symptoms a few times miserably ill try agian until I get it right so others can understand..
I started the scooter with ease the 1st time I mounted her. It took me a few momenta to understand the fuel, choke lever and switchs [I understand most now] riding and shifting was Smooth...i drove with ease shifting was no problem down shifting went as it should as well. .. 1st gear wrist position is a lil odd feeling at 1ST but it felt natural in rapid fashion.
I hopped on to blast the block And say Chow is a past my neighbors.it's been cold so quick short rides is all I've done . The day it warmed up a little I decided I'll make the block for fun then dress in my full leathers, chaps , Bandana the works and head to the Harley bar for a laugh. But my pre Harley bar trip Around the block Is where my problem started. .as I came to the 1ST turn in 2nd gear I think as I shifted to 3rd it felt like the cable was bound I gave more force and it shifted. 4 or 5 shifts later finishing the block it progressively got harder to shift until it just wouldn't . But the old girl still Ran like a top
I'd twist and it felt as the cable was pulling on something that did not want to turn further it pulled back as if I was in 4th trying for 5th that was not there. .
It all happened so quick this.made my mind race on all the moving parts and what could be binding. I believe I was in 3rd when I pulled back in to my house drive i could hear with engine off a hollow clunk like 2 gears hiting in a cast aluminum case but not syncing.
I had a buddy twist the gears the cables looked ok the adjustment did as well the clutch is working good travel smooth and the rest tire is disengage when it's pulled in. This is when a disconnected both cables and I did notice they bit of restriction. It was not smooth. I like a break cable on a bicycle. I didn't see any kinks or crushes in the cable casing one cable was frayed. Past the cable stop adjuster so I pulled both. I went shopping online. By the way scooter works it's gone way over in above open a new idiot like me out just a quick shout out to people didn't. Enjoy their job and do good at it. It's rare today A kid by the name Mike stayed on the phone with me way too long trying to help me out...
I'm going to order oil new entercables. It looks like replacing the housing could be quite a task.. I think the Vespa God's. Or shine on me when I get these new parts installed. With the oil of course Fingers crossed and I appreciate the time that each one of you spent answering to my ramblings. The other thing I have to tackle? I have no lights at all my pull. The light bulb from the front and 1 of 2 elements is burned out. The wires cut going to the speedo light.cable needs To be replaced for some reason there's a SpringEd tension on this cable up top at the odometer. But I'll get that figured out.
I'm going to have to figure out if I'm getting power from the state or I guess I'm also guessing that the switch on the handle bar. Is probably something that goes out faster than anything? Which? This. Is probably Going to be Be my problem.. I'm trying not to dismantle the scooter into a plethora a little pieces because I have so many projects going on right now in my life I. Look forward to dissecting this bike and getting to know it. Her ona 1 on 1 basis.... Hopefully this is a good a little bit more insight experiencing and again. Thank you for your time message so valuable do all of us signed Joe. My vespa may not run right now but it's still The coolest bike I own. Razz emoticon
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@greasy125 avatar

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so does it have oil in it or nah?
@ray8 avatar

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When you do drain the oil, go fishing with a telescopic magnet and see what comes up.

Pull the selector box with the cables attached and see how it feels isolated, with the cables now under some tension.

There's a lever inside the box held with a pin that can slip out. It should be solid -- zero play.

With the wheel lifted, go through the gears using the selector rod by hand while rotating the wheel back and forth. Tape the clutch lever to the grip and repeat.
Should provide more clues.
@gotta_know_joe_hobbies avatar

72 150cc vbb
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@gotta_know_joe_hobbies avatar
72 150cc vbb
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This info was spot on to isolate the issue, thank you. I have not had a lot of free time to InVESPAgate my new old lil scooter as I would like but, i'm trying to make a bit of time when I can.
I HAVE A GREAT LOVE for VW (air-cooled of course) or anything really that is designed in a "smart simplistic" I know I will love building these guys given the chance. I planned to buy a Cushman for a rebuild until the scooter Gods intervened and put this VBB in my life. I must admit I love the community that comes with as well.
I recently restored (best I could with parts I could find) A Vintage TOTE GOTE. If you have never heard of them don't feel bad, my first as well . In the late 50's in America small scooters/ mini bikes etc became a fad. Small companies popped up all over with their own versions of low cost transport which I guess was the start of the Mini Bike explosion. If interested here is a few videos of the build and outcome. There are 8 or 9 vids on this build but I will post 2 below
I hope to soon have this lil Vbb back on the road as I had to order 2 more parts That you again for the help for you folks here and Scooter works
Ray8 wrote:
When you do drain the oil, go fishing with a telescopic magnet and see what comes up.

Pull the selector box with the cables attached and see how it feels isolated, with the cables now under some tension.

There's a lever inside the box held with a pin that can slip out. It should be solid -- zero play.

With the wheel lifted, go through the gears using the selector rod by hand while rotating the wheel back and forth. Tape the clutch lever to the grip and repeat.
Should provide more clues.
@gotta_know_joe_hobbies avatar

72 150cc vbb
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@gotta_know_joe_hobbies avatar
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https://youtu.be/fanTtkYS_ko Build video for Tote Gote

And A long intro tribute video to a classic movie Facepalm emoticon and the Gote
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Gotta know joe hobbies wrote:
I have not. I looked for mougal gear oil locally but had no luck. I'm in the middle of a home remodel and we have a small but busy business so 5 mins here 15 there, just small spotty times to investigate. I'm going into this with zero mechanical vespa knowledge and a couple hundred riding miles 45 yrs ago. I was blessed with a restore manual and repair manual..for the scooter but,..like vw vespa seems very simple and I like others over think things coming into this with a background in large bikes and cars. I guess I expect things to be more tricky than they really are.
I've tried to explain my symptoms a few times miserably ill try agian until I get it right so others can understand..
I started the scooter with ease the 1st time I mounted her. It took me a few momenta to understand the fuel, choke lever and switchs [I understand most now] riding and shifting was Smooth...i drove with ease shifting was no problem down shifting went as it should as well. .. 1st gear wrist position is a lil odd feeling at 1ST but it felt natural in rapid fashion.
I hopped on to blast the block And say Chow is a past my neighbors.it's been cold so quick short rides is all I've done . The day it warmed up a little I decided I'll make the block for fun then dress in my full leathers, chaps , Bandana the works and head to the Harley bar for a laugh. But my pre Harley bar trip Around the block Is where my problem started. .as I came to the 1ST turn in 2nd gear I think as I shifted to 3rd it felt like the cable was bound I gave more force and it shifted. 4 or 5 shifts later finishing the block it progressively got harder to shift until it just wouldn't . But the old girl still Ran like a top
I'd twist and it felt as the cable was pulling on something that did not want to turn further it pulled back as if I was in 4th trying for 5th that was not there. .
It all happened so quick this.made my mind race on all the moving parts and what could be binding. I believe I was in 3rd when I pulled back in to my house drive i could hear with engine off a hollow clunk like 2 gears hiting in a cast aluminum case but not syncing.
I had a buddy twist the gears the cables looked ok the adjustment did as well the clutch is working good travel smooth and the rest tire is disengage when it's pulled in. This is when a disconnected both cables and I did notice they bit of restriction. It was not smooth. I like a break cable on a bicycle. I didn't see any kinks or crushes in the cable casing one cable was frayed. Past the cable stop adjuster so I pulled both. I went shopping online. By the way scooter works it's gone way over in above open a new idiot like me out just a quick shout out to people didn't. Enjoy their job and do good at it. It's rare today A kid by the name Mike stayed on the phone with me way too long trying to help me out...
I'm going to order oil new entercables. It looks like replacing the housing could be quite a task.. I think the Vespa God's. Or shine on me when I get these new parts installed. With the oil of course Fingers crossed and I appreciate the time that each one of you spent answering to my ramblings. The other thing I have to tackle? I have no lights at all my pull. The light bulb from the front and 1 of 2 elements is burned out. The wires cut going to the speedo light.cable needs To be replaced for some reason there's a SpringEd tension on this cable up top at the odometer. But I'll get that figured out.
I'm going to have to figure out if I'm getting power from the state or I guess I'm also guessing that the switch on the handle bar. Is probably something that goes out faster than anything? Which? This. Is probably Going to be Be my problem.. I'm trying not to dismantle the scooter into a plethora a little pieces because I have so many projects going on right now in my life I. Look forward to dissecting this bike and getting to know it. Her ona 1 on 1 basis.... Hopefully this is a good a little bit more insight experiencing and again. Thank you for your time message so valuable do all of us signed Joe. My vespa may not run right now but it's still The coolest bike I own. Razz emoticon
summary please, too long.
@gotta_know_joe_hobbies avatar

72 150cc vbb
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@gotta_know_joe_hobbies avatar
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GickSpeed wrote:
summary please, too long.
Got it sorted
@orwell84 avatar

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What was the problem? Takes a little practice and fettling to find the sweet spot of adjusting the cables on the selector box.

Also a huge fan of ACVW. Very similar kind of elemental transportation…making something go down the road with the fewest possible number of moving parts. Vespa engines have their own quirks. Something small and simple can cause lots of problems.

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