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Hey Modern Vespa peeps - new member from AZ dropping in to say hi!

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Welcome to MV! I hear you should be getting some company around there come June....
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AZ in June is a, "dry heat" as they say.
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Nice picture, sharky. Welcome to MV from the big city to the north.

*Edited for spelling
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@fledermaus avatar

Veni, Vidi, Posti
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@fledermaus avatar
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Sharkfetus wrote:
AZ in June is a, "dry heat" as they say.
...as you slowly sink into the asphalt...
(probably a concern there....I was on fresh asphalt in Minneapolis at a stop on a hot day and my center stand sunk in a good inch. Luckily no tipping!
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Wow, someone else from AZ. Welcome. I'm about 100 miles north of you, and it tends to get about 10 degrees hotter up here in the Phoenix area. It will likely hit 110 degrees F or higher here in June. Only chance to ride will be at night or super early in the morning. When monsoon season season hits in early July, the temperature will drop some, but the humidity will skyrocket. I prefer the higher heat to the humidity.

I have ridden a lot in Tucson, and while traffic (or rather "drivers") are bad everywhere, I feel much safer riding in Tucson than Phoenix. When going from Phoenix to Tucson and back, I take the Pinal Pioneer Parkway from Florence to Oracle Junction, and from there into Tucson. Bisbee is one of my favorite destinations for a day ride.
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Once I get this scoot through it's initial 600 mile run in, you can be assured I'll be traveling to Bisbee and other twisty destinations.
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Welcome to MV. Nice photo.
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A Phat Phoenix hello, Sharkfetus!

If you feel like company hook up with our sister club the Sky Island Riders at https://www.facebook.com/groups/59338431142 . They are a great group of folks from your area worth meeting.
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Sharkfetus, sweet looking bike--it really seems to fit the environment.
I have getting back to Tucson and exploring high on my list of Vespa adventures I want to take. Happy riding!
@az_slynch avatar

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Dirty T resident here too and SIR's member. Guessing you were at Seguaro East or along Kinney Road when you took that pic?

We just had a monthly ride, but we will be doing a Copper Triangle ride with the Sonoran Sunriders on April 15th. C'mon along!
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Nice ride!
Happy trails 😎

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