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1964 Vespa GS160, Fuji Rabbit S601, Lambretta LUI, 1958 Vespa VB1
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@declan avatar
1964 Vespa GS160, Fuji Rabbit S601, Lambretta LUI, 1958 Vespa VB1
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I have Malossi cases, 60mm crank, BGM Big Box, and a Malossi top end, P200 motor. I currently have a 24.24 carb, I am putting a 28mm Malossi intake and 28mm PHBH. Maintaining the rotary intake.

Anyone have a similar set-up and have some ballpark jetting advice?

@108 avatar

V range 50s
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@108 avatar
V range 50s
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I'd aim for the following:

Pilot 55
Needle x13
Atomiser AS264
Main 128
Fuel screw 1.5-2.5 turns out (most likely 1.5 turns)
No air filter, used bellow.

Had exactly the same setup as yours, sea level, 20-30c air temp.

One thing to note, rotary spit back because of scratches will be your biggest enemy. Any bad scratches and your idle will suck badly.
@declan avatar

1964 Vespa GS160, Fuji Rabbit S601, Lambretta LUI, 1958 Vespa VB1
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@declan avatar
1964 Vespa GS160, Fuji Rabbit S601, Lambretta LUI, 1958 Vespa VB1
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Thank you, that gives me a place to start.
@108 avatar

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@108 avatar
V range 50s
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Oh needle clip, second from top.

You might go to top clip, but only if you live somewhere like the Alps.
@declan avatar

1964 Vespa GS160, Fuji Rabbit S601, Lambretta LUI, 1958 Vespa VB1
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@declan avatar
1964 Vespa GS160, Fuji Rabbit S601, Lambretta LUI, 1958 Vespa VB1
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I am in St. Louis, MO, 466 ft above sea level so probably similar to yours.
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