Something I have noticed about older riders.
If you don't have the long living genetic make up, you can live
health, but you are simply a dead man walking. I don't mean to
be insensitive, but if no male member of either side of your family
lived past 40 there may be nothing you can do.
My observation is for everyone else.
The one common element in the oldsters around me that continue
to have good mobility (stay scootering) is walking a mile a day.
I could not regularly get to the gym. (discipline, timing etc).
I measured out 500 yards in the hall way of my office (back and forth)
and fast walk 500 yards every Monday - Friday.
So that is my fountain of youth for you to consider.
Side note: broke my ankle here on the ice in Frostbite Falls. I
have had to be off the 500 yard fast walk for 8 weeks. I feel
sluggish as hell.
Having offered this nugget for health, I still smoke my cigar
sipping brandy each evening. You can't do everything right!
Counter balance - I did lose 50 pounds in the last three years.
No formal weight loss program - I just ate Turkey sandwiches
with mustard for lunch everyday. Went from 231 to 180 lbs.
Bob Copeland
Still riding at 74