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First post... I'll give an intro, first. Long time rider/owner of 2 and 3 wheeled goodness, going back to 87, when I got a Batavus. This is probably my 8th or 9th Vespa (if you include mopeds).

I picked up a 2019 Liberty 150 from an estate. According to the estate rep, the elderly owner passed away a short while after purchase and his wife couldn't find the keys. It looks like it might have a few hundred miles on it. I ran the VIN prior to going up, so it's not stolen.

My question - Without keys/power, has anyone successfully popped either the glove box or seat on this model? I've searched and didn't find anything specific to the Liberty 150. I've been working on the seat with a large zip tie, with no luck. Yes, I'll probably have to do the ECM swap or similar, but I want to make sure that the spare isn't sitting in the glove box or underseat. Thanks

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Remove the tie of the Vespa (screw under the Vespa/Piaggio emblem), try to open the glove box from the front with a long screwdriver. Instructions are here in abundance: e.g. '22 Sprint 150 glove box won't open with key. (use search)
In the glove box is an emergency release for the seat (top left next to the steering column)

Edit: I should not answer questions without thinking while waiting for food....

Sorry, I overlooked that it is you about a Piaggio Liberty... I was mentally at Vespa, so that the link above will help only limited… The way to open the glove compartment is still correct and from there with the emergency release open the seat (bottom left next to steering column).
⚠️ Last edited by GermanGTSDriver on UTC; edited 3 times
@bukwheatus avatar

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Thanks very much!
GermanGTSDriver wrote:
Remove the tie of the Vespa (screw under the Vespa/Piaggio emblem), try to open the glove box from the front with a long screwdriver. Instructions are here in abundance: e.g. '22 Sprint 150 glove box won't open with key. (use search)
In the glove box is an emergency release for the seat (top left next to the steering column)

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Robot shows you how to "open" the front of the Liberty on YouTube. Now being able to release the seat from there I don't know.

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As edited above, I missed that you have a Liberty... Sorry.

Here is the link to the video from Robot to the Liberty:
At https://www.manualslib.com/manual/1254379/Piaggio-Liberty-125.html you will find a workshop manual (although it is from the previous model but you should still be able to use many of the methods described).
@bukwheatus avatar

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After much trial and error, I finally managed to pop the glove box. None of the tutorials or posts specifically applied to the newer gen Liberty, but they were a good baseline to work from. The solution was a bent coat hanger, slipped through the small cavity that resides under the front emblem. Bent into a hook shape, I was able to go around the mass of cables, grabbing onto the releas e lever, pulling back to pop it...

Alas, there were no keys (as hoped), but it did have the original dealership paperwork, multiple driving goggles and misc junk. Looks like a re-flashed ECU is in my future
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Thanks for all the help!!!

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Molto Verboso
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Great that it worked out. Thanks for the feedback!
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