This is one of the twisty roads in Southern Spain that has many YouTube vids made of it.

It is a relatively short piece of an old road, around 30 km, going on the side of Parque Natural Montes de Malaga, between Malaga and Colmenar.

The highest point (consulting google....) seems to be 955m (3,133ft) above sea level, so it's not massively high, but provides nice views.

The pavement is in great condition and atracts also lots of sporty bicyclists. Local motorcyclists classify it to be on the slippery side, so it is more for lazy cruising and admiring of views than knee deep racing.

There were 2-3 restaurants on the way, making nice places for pit stops. Otherwise not too many parking places for admiring the scenery.

On contrary to many mountain roads in Spain, there were large, old trees in many places, also on the side of the outer cliff. To me, this made the road more beautifull.

Also nice views to the city of Malaga and the harbour when closer at the end of the road there.

Definitely a nice road for scooting!
This was from the beginning of A-7000, just outside Colmenar. Quite dry landscape, it got greener and nicer going up.
This was from the beginning of A-7000, just outside Colmenar. Quite dry landscape, it got greener and nicer going up.