The PX is now fully built ! I need to go through inspection to be able to register and insure.
I really dont like the rear massive and ugly PX tail light...
So I bought a V50 special tail light
As it has only 1 light support, I got a dual light support, for the city light and the brake light, the V50 special only has city light
I cut the single support and add the dual one
Now here is the dilemma, for inspection I need a light for the registration plate. On the regular PX tail light, city light illuminates the bottom on the light through a clear plastic the plate. In the case of the V50 tail light, it does not work, I'm going to design a license plate light holder.
I will 3d print the holder, using fusion 360 to design it, I have quite a lot of spare time to do it, winter is the best moment to spend some time at home on the computer...
Here is the part, modeling in Fusion 360. I want to re use the light support I cut from the V50 tail light, I don't want to drill some holes for the wires, they have to go through the rods that will support the housing.
I did print a few prototypes
I changed the angles, I prefer a more rounded piece.
The blue one is the final piece, the green one is made in PLA, basic plastic, easy to print, good for prototypes, the blue one is the final one, printed in PETG-CF, another kind of plastic, more heat resistant and reinforced with 30% of carbon fibers.
I sanded the part and made sure the concept of inside tubular works with threaded tubes for the wire to pass through
Then the part is coated with a light filler and sanded, ready for paint
Now painted and clear coated with the tail light cover and the front mudguard ornement that I forgot to paint before
Time to assemble
I cut a piece of poly carbonate clear to make a cover for the light, with holes to dissipate the heat from the light bulb
I made a big conception error, I forgot to design a way to hold the window so I used screws and a washers, the washers hold the cover. I should have designed a rail to hold the cover, with an insertion from the back, flush to the back of the housing ! Maybe if I print version 2.0 I'll modify the design...
I also designed a seal, in between the frame and the license plate light housing
This seal in 3d printed in TPU (flex, like rubber)
With the V50 tail light
With he license plate light holder.
I you look closely the V50 modified support, you will see that there is a return of both city light wire and ground, they are connections for the license plate light bulb.
It works great, the Vespa passed inspection with flying colors.
A few random pics from the garage, I'll make some more later in the sun (if sun dares to show, here in Belgium we haven't seen sun for more than a month now !)
I purchased a repro speedometer, the custom one is on my bench for now, I'm re designing it totally for better lightning and to get rid of the connection ribbon. I'll retain of course the custom base plate I made before. I'll also get rid of the rear view mirror, that was only for the inspection. I'll 3d print my own design.
I've made a custom sticker also !