Hi. I have just purchased a Bajaj scooter from a member of our club, who builds some great prizewinning scooters! It is running a PX125 motor, with a Malossi iron barrel 178 kit, and has a 12" wheel conversion (GTS).
As he built it approximately 18 months ago, and has done many since, he has now not got the clearest memory of what gearbox is in it. He thinks it is a 23 tooth clutch, with a P200 gearbox, and thinks maybe a T5 4th gear.
Only got it on Sunday, and it was apparent from the first tootle around the block, that it was not pulling 4th gear, (approx 36mph up a slight incline!)
So, question is, does anyone have, or know where I can find, gearing information for this set up?
Thanks in advance.