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Can anyone help on my issue that I have just purchased a 2003 gt200 and although it's supposed to be and on log book as a gt200 the log book says 125cc.
My stamp on rear of casing says m312m and identification plate starts zapm312.
I'm puzzled as wouldn't it be classed as 200cc
I haven't pushed the engine but can do 70 if speedo is correct.

Molto Verboso
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Welcome to modernvespa.com & congratulations to your first post!

ZAPM312 = GT 200 / GT L 200
ZAPM311 = GT 125 / GT L 125
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The Hornet (GT200, aka Love Bug) and 'Dimples' - a GTS 300
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The Hornet (GT200, aka Love Bug) and 'Dimples' - a GTS 300
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Looks like someone wanted to get away with operating a 125 on just a car licence (which was also by default a provisional m/c licence), as one could back in the day. Even later, being registered as a 125, it could be ridden with a CBT and L plates.

It'd be best to get this corrected, even if you have a full A licence and it's insured as a 200.

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Thanks for your replies
Yes I do have full bike licence so can ride any size engine but I think I was more upset on the fact that I'd bought a 200cc as that's what I wanted and what was specified on ad ( ebay) and when my log book came and was 125 i thought I'd been swindled .
To be honest the ad said "a lot" lol and compared to a broken speedo and bodywork needs a tidy(it said) when I picked it up it looks like I had dragged it off a scrapyard pile barely anything worked and so much of it broken...speedo, seat catch broken and jammed,glove box broken, fuel gauge, mirrors snapped off , bits missing etc etc and paintwork was I think blue brush on gloss with more curtains than dunhelm Mills but it started and you know what.....I had a vespa, my first vespa and I was still kind of happy haha
Then the log book came and I was a bit upset that I may have bought a 125 sheep in wolfs clothing.
I still love it though and have enjoyed getting it how I wanted and hey I've got a vespa
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Welcome to MV, Steve.t72. Good job of painting too. Your bike looks great in white!
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