Treppenwitz wrote:
5. Look into keeping/porting your US phone number so it will ring through to your Portuguese cell phone. There are quite a few VOIP and port-a-number companies out there. None are great, but many are adequate. This will make it easy for US friends and family to keep in touch, and for US institutions and companies to call you back when you need them to.
jess wrote:
If you can recommend one (or more) services that you've had experience with, I'd be very much interested in hearing about it.
When I'm in the US, it rings my US SIM. I honestly don't know the phone number for my SIM and neither do any of my contacts.
When I'm abroad, I can send/receive calls over any data connection (wifi or cell). It's basically seamless, especially on Android. You can also make wifi calls from iOS or on a computer.
Intuit and Credit Karma don't accept Google Voice numbers for MFA, but everything else I've tried does, including Schwab.
It's also handy because I can reply to texts on my computer.
Of course, you will appear as a green bubble (or whatever the non-Apple one is) to your iOS friends, which means you get rough edges like the text "Jim liked this photo" and videos come over at ridiculously poor resolutions. Nudge your friends who like to send videos to use another app, like Signal.