piaggio mp2
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piaggio mp2
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hi can I drive 2010 piaggio mp3 250ie with a full uk car licence thanks

Molto Verboso
2015 MP3 500 ie Business
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Molto Verboso
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Depends on the MP3.

If you have the earlier RT version, then you need a full motorcycle class A license.

If you have the later LT version, then you can ride with a standard class B vehicle license.

Molto Verboso
2015 MP3 500 ie Business
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Molto Verboso
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The Hornet (GT200, aka Love Bug) and 'Dimples' - a GTS 300
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The Hornet (GT200, aka Love Bug) and 'Dimples' - a GTS 300
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That's as it is now, for those who get their licences now.

The rules have chopped and changed in the UK over the years.
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Gilera Fuoco 500ie
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Gilera Fuoco 500ie
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car licences from before 2013 yes you can drive a LT a RL is still a motorcycle after NO need Motorcycle in 2013 GB was stilll in the EU and in 1993 GB asked the EU for the L5e option for the robin Relaint so it became a trike and needed a car B class

In 2013 EU rules where undone so after 19th of januari 2013 everybody that passed there B class test after 19/012013 needs a A motorcycle class in the EU don't know if GB has turned that around when they left the EU in 2019/2020, if so then your still need a A class on the roads of main EU

2019 MP3 500 Sport
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2019 MP3 500 Sport
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[Only valid for California]

Also here in the far more lenient Western USA, where getting a motorcycle license is super easy, people still ask me if they can ride the MP3 500 without the M (motorcycle) part in their license. And while I think they can (every traffic police officer feels different about whether the MP3 is a motorcycle or a trike, though), I *very* strongly recommend against it. Its dynamics and the tricks and risks are exactly like any other motorcycle's, and the best way to get hurt on a motorcycle is to do so without proper training.

Get the license, attend a motorcycle safety course. A very nice young guy I knew just got killed last week on his motorcycle while on his "trainer" permit.
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considering MP3 530
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considering MP3 530
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Sorry to hear that about your friend.

I think a lot of us know people hurt or killed on bikes. I had a couple of friends die on bikes, and know a lot, including me, who have been hurt on them. A safety course and proper gear is always a good suggestion.

I do find it odd that a lot of the success of this bike is due to being able to drive it without a motorcycle endorsement. It must be that they are much stricter to get the endorsement elsewhere.

I can see where insurance and police may have issue with the regulations, as I doubt the average cop knows the width requirement to be classified as a trike. I know if I didn't have an endorsement, I'd keep a copy of that statute on the bike.

Claiming this as a trike seems more like a loophole rather than sound regulation. Ride safe.

considering MP3 530
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considering MP3 530
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State Troopers seem to be the most critical about vehicle compliance. I could see one argue that the width between tires is only acceptable when traveling in a straight line, as the wheels are closer together when cornering.

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