adri wrote:
Couldn't get away with that here. Here in the summer it seems like more days than not it rains, even if only for 5 minutes.
If I didn't ride when it might rain, or immediately after rain, I would probably ride a small fraction of what I typically do. That would kill all the fun, and fun is why I ride, so, it just wouldn't make any sense to do that.
These days, my riding is exclusively for pleasure, and even though I usually ride at least one of our bikes every day, it's never out of necessity (though there was a time when it was), and although we've had more rain this summer than is normal for us, it seems that the only time I've been caught in it was with our Miata roadster, and usually just after washing it.
Those who ride in all-weather conditions, either by choice or economic necessity will/should have stricter requirements as to their scooter tire choices than I do for my needs.
It's not that I'm such a cheapskate either, my Triumph Rocket 3 is due for new tires, and the rear tire alone will cost me a bit over $400, (IF I remove the wheel myself and bring it in to the service department) and that's after the dealer I will be ordering it through discounts it from it's $530 retail price. Those 240/50/16 inch Avon Cobra Chrome's aren't cheap, but they're damn good tires for the Rocket 3, so I'm not going to compromise and put lesser tires on it.