I was sitting at my regular early morning haunt in Deadwood this morning, having my coffee and donating two thirds of my scone to my English Sparrow 'Posse', when I heard the clatter of tappets, and a loaded down old BMW pulled in and parked.
It was a white 'Toaster Tank' '71 or '72 R60/5, and the rider was traveling from California to West Virginia, with a stop in the Black Hills to see Mt. Rushmore and Deadwood.
He was, of course, avoiding the 75-80 mph Interstates, and running the 65 mph secondary highways, which the old 35-40 hp bike performed very well on...still!
Seeing this bike traveling through reminded me of the days when we would set out on a tour with what most today would consider primitive, rudimentary, and entirely inadequate machines (NOT!) and gear....but we had a blast, and it was always an adventure.