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Yup I've been there. Without wanting to repeat the story when the RT required a new clutch 2 Motoraad Franchises simply declined to work on it, another didn't bother answering the phone, 3 Independants declined also, 1 Independant after agreeing to take on the work didn't answer any follow up emails and another one was so unbelievably rude I wondered how he did any business at all.

1 Motoraad Dealer finally agreed to book it in but I could tell the Workshop Manager really didn't want to know because it was 26 years old at the time.

Getting hold of the parts wasn't the problem. Actually getting a workshop ( of either kind ) to physically work on the bike was the issue.

Now, if the repair is extensive they'll earn a lot more money so what's the problem if I'm prepared to pay ?

Truth is they don't want to work on them to that extent because servicing is quick, easy and profitable.
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OldSchooot wrote:
Bill, I don't think you would be happy with the Honda 500X.
I can't see you getting excited as you approach it in the morning.

Hey, we can't all be groovy....
I've owned Hondas since 1980, both bikes and cars, and found them well made and reliable.

On the Lou Reed front:

I was walking around NYC at 2 AM back in the mid 80s. The streets were closed and there was a stage set up. Lou Reed was filming a music video. I stood with the small crowd, and some guy walks up to me and asks what's going on.

I said "Lou Reed is filming a video".

Guy says "No way. Lou Reed is dead."

The guy to my right leans in front of me and said "I am NOT dead."

Got to meet Lou and have a laugh.
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cogind wrote:
I've owned Hondas since 1980, both bikes and cars, and found them well made and reliable.

On the Lou Reed front:

I was walking around NYC at 2 AM back in the mid 80s. The streets were closed and there was a stage set up. Lou Reed was filming a music video. I stood with the small crowd, and some guy walks up to me and asks what's going on.

I said "Lou Reed is filming a video".

Guy says "No way. Lou Reed is dead."

The guy to my right leans in front of me and said "I am NOT dead."

Got to meet Lou and have a laugh.
Thanks for that!
Absolutely my favorite commercial.
The story about how they sold it to Honda is pretty cool, too!....
maybe just a legend - cool nevertheless!
Great song, too - but not for some.
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To get it for March I'll need to order it in late December so I've got a couple of months to talk myself out of it but I'm pretty certain that it's going to happen as it ticks many boxes.

Thank you all for your advice.
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Bill Dog wrote:
I've got a couple of months to talk myself out of it but I'm pretty certain that it's going to happen as it ticks many boxes
Test ride one first?
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cogind wrote:
On the Lou Reed front:

I was walking around NYC at 2 AM back in the mid 80s. The streets were closed and there was a stage set up. Lou Reed was filming a music video. I stood with the small crowd, and some guy walks up to me and asks what's going on.

I said "Lou Reed is filming a video".

Guy says "No way. Lou Reed is dead."

The guy to my right leans in front of me and said "I am NOT dead."

Got to meet Lou and have a laugh.
That is a classically great commercial, a type that you will never see again.

It is simply too stylish and subtle for today's advertisers.

Now they specialize in stupid and tacky.

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Yes, adverts for Tena for Men aren't what they used to be.
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I had a Kawasaki W650 years ago and it reminded me that the past should stay in the past. Even with alleged counter balancers it had too much 1967 Triumph Bonneville vibration for me. It didn't move like the multi cylindered bikes I had previously and I really couldn't tolerate that. I kept it for ten years but it spent too much time in the garage.

I think that character is something people give a machine, not the other way around.
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Bill Dog wrote:
I've had a few Hondas in the past the most recent being the NC 750 DCT which made me feel totally uninvolved in the decision making process so I know what to expect. Solid,reliable,boring.
ROFL emoticon Ok, good stuff.

You are 1,000% aware, and ready, for a CB500X.

How tall are you btw? Let us know your thoughts when you've put some time on one.
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kz1000ST wrote:
I had a Kawasaki W650 years ago and it reminded me that the past should stay in the past. Even with alleged counter balancers it had too much 1967 Triumph Bonneville vibration for me. It didn't move like the multi cylindered bikes I had previously and I really couldn't tolerate that. I kept it for ten years but it spent too much time in the garage.

I think that character is something people give a machine, not the other way around.
Can you explain that last part plz?
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I'm 5ft 7 or 8 I think. I've never really checked.

In other news the RT's final drive is no longer making the noise that provoked me into obtaining another driveshaft and booking it into a Workshop to get it changed.

I love and hate that bike in equal amounts.
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That's a gift and a curse lol. I had a Jeep Patriot that would "self-heal" like that. Kept it for 60,000 km never really knowing what tomorrow would bring... and also never knowing what a few hours after whatever tomorrow would bring, would bring

Might be time to cash out while you're ahead you can?
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Yes, a few people have suggested that and it's good advice.
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Three of my friends who I trust have suggested that I should buy a brand new BMW R1300 GS and be done with it.


Oh. 5ft 8 inches.
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Interesting. You are of the exactly same hight as I.

I find modern boxer GSs very awkward to wrestle around at stand still.
I find them very comfy once they're moving.

Would not buy one myself, not enough to be only half pleased.

BMW F900R is my favourite in the current lineup. It is top heavy in slow moves, as all these high bikes tend to, but very agile and quite comfy on the road. OEM windshield on the decorative side. Expensive it is though.
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And it's really anonymous.

Nice looking but anonymous.
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My son used to let me ride his 500X - but he never wanted to ride my Forza
I sure did like the nice upright riding position!
He replaced the front fender with a white one - to make him more visible, and a fender hugger to keep things cleaner. And a center stand!
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RRider wrote:
BMW F900R is my favourite in the current lineup. It is top heavy in slow moves, as all these high bikes tend to, but very agile and quite comfy on the road. OEM windshield on the decorative side. Expensive it is though.
Have you ridden one? Thoughts?

My GS had the same motor as the F800R and, I like that motor for a GS that I'll be riding far from home. It's dull, predictable, calm, neutral, bland... but when I'm far from home, in parts unknown, and things are getting dicey, I appreciate that.

For my every day street bike, I'd want more gusto.

Did they give the new motor some character?
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I briefly rode the old 1250 GSA and it was embarrassing because it was just too big for me.

Apparently the new one is a lot leaner, lighter and handles a lot better plus the gearbox is a little less chewey.

The all new engine is the same with more power and refinement but I fear that it's a Sledge Hammer to crack a nut.

Loads of rave reviews out there but once you've watched one you've watched them all.
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adri wrote:
Have you ridden one? Thoughts?

My GS had the same motor as the F800R and, I like that motor for a GS that I'll be riding far from home. It's dull, predictable, calm, neutral, bland... but when I'm far from home, in parts unknown, and things are getting dicey, I appreciate that.

For my every day street bike, I'd want more gusto.

Did they give the new motor some character?
I've had XR as a rental bike for a few days trip.

I think F900XR at least does have just that extra bit of gusto to make it interesting.
Basic ergonomics being good, it does the job of being a neutral 'mule' to much miles quite OK.

Still, take it to a twisty mountain road, as I did, and it is very sporty and confident inspiring to turn into tight curves. Also, the engine wakes up with revs, offering both quite nice acceleration and a sporty, if somewhat harsh soundtrack to go with.

Have to add, I'm way past my best riding days due to several handicaps, so 95% of time I take things easy. Just had to try the bike out a bit , mostly just cruised.

Also, this being a fully equipt rental bike, it came with all electric accessories, includind Dynamic ESA - this for sure has an impact on handling.

With my current riding style and 1200cc Bonneville at home, it did miss the mighty low end torq - yet, F900XR was not bad with this at all, offering a nice balance between a steady cruiser and revvy sports machine.
I rode with this one, the new XR model. The hard cases spoil sporty looks, but came handy for a backbag traveller.
I rode with this one, the new XR model. The hard cases spoil sporty looks, but came handy for a backbag traveller.
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This is the downside of a Parallel Twin. Yes they are compact and cheap to make but you have to rev them to get any real performance and that gets tiresome especially when you tour in the hills.

In this regard I can see a V or a Flat Twin being an advantage.

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Bill Dog wrote:
This is the downside of a Parallel Twin. Yes they are compact and cheap to make but you have to rev them to get any real performance and that gets tiresome especially when you tour in the hills.

In this regard I can see a V or a Flat Twin being an advantage.
Advantages to both - the parallel twin tend to like to rev easier, but you have to keep the revs up for climbing. Whereas the V or Flat win will just chug along, but can get a bit boring. Example: The Versys 650 - great bike, not really a dual sport as sometimes claimed, but a good sports tourer with plenty of pep above 7K rpm. The DL650 (VStrom) a capable tourer as well, not so sporty, a bit heavy for the trail roads, but lots of low down grunt.
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Yeah the DL1000 engine makes a much better tourer than the 650 even if it is really lumpy low down in the rpms.

One of my few fears about the CB500X is that Im going to miss the 530cc's
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And with brilliant timing Honda announces the NX500.

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Bill Dog wrote:
And with brilliant timing Honda announces the NX500.

You started this conversation over three months ago. Don't go blaming Honda.

You could have been in a position to start the 'Should I trade in my CB500X for a NX500?' thread.
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Not radical but acceptable.
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Ugly as sin. I really like it.
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Bill Dog wrote:
Ugly as sin. I really like it.
Weird looking, from the front
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Bill Dog wrote:
And with brilliant timing Honda announces the NX500.

We heard Adri say the CB500X wasn't right for you, and decided to conspire with him.


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Seems to be some honest feedback of it here:

TLDR: Seems like a good step up from the CB500X, though maybe not totally worthy of the 'NX' name.
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I'm going to suggest that Honda's designs are often 4 or 5 years into the future.

I'm really not sure if that's a good or a bad thing.

I think it's good.
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Hmm, I might say that about Husky before Honda tbh, but, aesthetics are like assholes or whatever the expression is
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Have you looked at the price difference ?
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Bill Dog wrote:
Have you looked at the price difference ?
No. I'm not able to. Not until they're at least 5 or 10 years old. I'm allergic to depreciation. I can only tolerate it in very small amounts.
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The one in the picture is about £12,500 and the Honda is £6,700.

I'll stick with the Honda.

I also have an issue with KTM.
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I'll have to give points to the Honda design/marketing department for catching up with the 'Paris-Dakar'ish upright windshield. It DOES make the bike look fresh and more serious business...very Tenere, KTM etc.

Wonder it the windshield actually works better or worse compared to the old one?

Bonus points for loosing a bit of weight from the rims.
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The screen looks a little more angled to the vertical so I'll assume it is.

It's got a kind of Storm Trooper vibe going on hasn't it.

In black it looks awful.
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Discussions about the NX 500 are starting to pop up on the KTM 390 forum. Before long it will be people posting 'I traded in my KTM 390 for a NX500, see ya.'

Just the other day there was a post from an 'anonymous' person asking about the NX500.. I was like 'Bill's really casting a wide net with his inquiry.'

The small displacement ADV inspired category is wildly fun. Looking forward to learning more about this new Honda.
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Bill Dog wrote:
I'm going to suggest that Honda's designs are often 4 or 5 years into the future.
Honda's designs are only 5 years ahead if you're living 10 years in the past.
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jess wrote:
Honda's designs are only 5 years ahead if you're living 10 years in the past.
Jetski-looking DN-01 aside.
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