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Anyone have tricks for fixing a vent steering stop without messing up the horncast? Without dropping the fork? Any secret tools?

Was thinking maybe needle nose vice grips would work.
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depending on how it's bent you *might* be able to get in there with a long rod or punch and give it a good whack to reposition it.

you already know this, but dropping the fork is the best way to tackle it.
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Greasy offers good advice. Large punch or something your can smack with a big ole hammer. Tough to do that with the angle of the horncast / steering stops...

Another option is the Voodoo technique. Voodoo is your man here! He has a good technique, that I believe others have used with good success. Let me see if I remember, and I'm sure others and hopefully the man himself Voodoo:

Drop that fork
Get a very large socket, or equivelant heavy duty thick wall pipe
Cut a groove into it with a grinder. make the groove just thick enough to slip over the metal on the steering stop area.
Get yourself a big breaker bar, or something strong to fit into the socket/pipe.
Use that bar as a handle in the socket/pipe, to bendy the steering stop back into place. Feel free to smack it with a hammer.
The idea is to make small adjustments to 'massage' the thick steel back into place. Some heat from a small torch is probably your friend. Mind the paint.

I'm sure I did a beyond sub-par job of explaining this process... but hopefully this will start you on the path.

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There is a guy here who uses Voodoo successfully to cure this ailment.

I just read the above, so he now has two recommendations.
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GeekLion described the technique. Fork has to come out.

Here's some pics:
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The Tool
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1974 v90, 1959 Allstate, 1979 p200
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Alright guess I'm dropping the fork! Sometimes you have to do things the right way.. Now I gotta go cut up a socket -thanks for the replies and the photos y'all.
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You can accomplish the same with a crescent wrench
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Grumpnut wrote:
You can accomplish the same with a crescent wrench
I couldn't. It's a tight space. Hard to get enough leverage with a wrench.
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i've done it two ways:

heat it up with oxy-acytelene and bend it back into place.

TIG weld it up.
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I'd be tempted to try and make something like this. Right and left half, so you could fit it through hole, then figure out a way to attach back together.
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