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piaggio MP3 500
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piaggio MP3 500
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On my recent trip to Colorado went perty smooth except for half way through I had to add some oil now I check it every Time I get gas seems to use about a pint every 1500 miles it's my daily commuter and personally my personal favorite it was a wonderfully trip even though it rained almost all the way there and back it handles perty well in the rain well over the speed limit even on the highway I was happy to return home after a 1200 mile road trip I was hoping to go all the way to Stergis but my back tire was compleatly bald after the trip so I decided to give it a good once over replacing tires breaks exhaust and the belt I'm hoping to go out on the road more often as I plan to go to Chihuahua Mexico in September hope everyone enjoys there MP3 as much as me I have lots of pictures and memories of my trip
Rain rain and more rain almost home
Rain rain and more rain almost home

MP3 250cc 2009
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MP3 250cc 2009
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I can't handle the downward sloping seat, it just kills my back.
But it is a great little commuter for around locally...
I don't feel safe on it on the major highways, too small.
after 40 years of Goldwings...

now at 80, and after going to sleep on my Honda GL1800 a couple years ago, I gave it to my son. I just narrowly missed riding down into a rocky ravine

I had purchased the 2009 MP3 250 about 5 years ago, because the big Honda was too big for our Toy Hauler....

I can't handle temps above 80*F anymore, serious bike accident back in 2008 when a Semi merged me into a concrete wall.

I took my MP3 to a local Vespa shop and told them to go completely through it, the Voltage Regulator died after a Lightning Bolt struck a tree in our yard.

now has new tires, and all new fluids.

just glad to be alive, and still able to ride.
Hope your trip continues to be good.
Semi merged me into a wall
Semi merged me into a wall
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Veni, Vidi, Posti
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Veni, Vidi, Posti
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2007 GTS
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AZgl1800 wrote:
I can't handle the downward sloping seat, it just kills my back.
probably not stock seat if it has a downward slope, I suspect a corbin seat.
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The Hornet (GT200, aka Love Bug) and 'Dimples' - a GTS 300
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The Hornet (GT200, aka Love Bug) and 'Dimples' - a GTS 300
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old as dirt wrote:
probably not stock seat if it has a downward slope, I suspect a corbin seat.
My stock seat felt it was downward sloping - way back when I added 1/2" spacers on the bolts between the seat and the frame. Much improved. (2007 Fuoco)
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Veni, Vidi, Posti
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Veni, Vidi, Posti
@old_as_dirt avatar
2007 GTS
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jimc wrote:
My stock seat felt it was downward sloping - way back when I added 1/2" spacers on the bolts between the seat and the frame. Much improved. (2007 Fuoco)
yes on the 500's I agree on the spacers but the 250's did not suffer this issue. the only ones I have ever seen slope bad on the 250/400 were fitted with those horrible corbin seats.

MP3 250cc 2009
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MP3 250cc 2009
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this is the best horizontal pix of it, the day I bought it from the previous owner, and took it home.

If I don't plant my feet solid against the forward frame, I slide right down off of that seat.

Totally unlike what I am used to on previous Honda Goldwing
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