Here she is wearing a stock fender!
I know this is modern Vespa but I would rather sell my Lambretta to someone off this site than CL of facebook. She is super reliable and sturdy. Needs to find a loving home. $6,250.00
So heres the skinny:

1960 Lambretta series 2 for sale. Bgm Rt195 with a 5 speed gearbox. Runs great, good touring setup. Less than 1500 miles on top end. Powder coat frame and boxes, with the rest paint. Titled and registered. Local is preferable although Denver James can be arranged. Nanucci fender and original fender available. Engine spec is:
Bgm rt 195 top end
Tamini crank
Casatronic variable ignition
Dellorto phbh carb
5 plate clutch
5 speed gearbox crimaz
Bgm exhaust
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Forum member supplied image with no explanatory text
Forum member supplied image with no explanatory text
Forum member supplied image with no explanatory text
Forum member supplied image with no explanatory text