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If you change the primary drive sprocket on a Honda CB 500 X from a 15 tooth to a 16 tooth the speedo reads correctly.

They couldn't make it accurate at the factory
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SteelBytes wrote:
and a little extra:

phones apps don't usually use pure gps. instead they report based on a combination of gps and info from nearby cell towers and wifi etc. this complicates the whole story
One can use a phone with cellular service turned off that only uses GPS satellites. There are quite a selection of apps, navigation and map, to chose from. Mire for Android than iOS.

These include Gaia, Locus Pro, OsmPro+, Scenic and more point-to-point options. Advrider has a number of threads on this. Map detail is far superior.

Me personally, literally thousands of motorcycle and 4 wheel miles using them.

One downside is screen sensitivity with gloves on, or lack there of. A stylus works and can be tethered. Still not as good as motorcycle GPS units.
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My Speedo is optimistic. ROFL emoticon

Umm, meant my speedo. I just ride with the flow of traffic anyway, whatever the speed.
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marret wrote:
One can use a phone with cellular service turned off that only uses GPS satellites.
yes I know (I write android apps). as I said the gps in phones is more inaccurate then people realise. to be clear, when I say gps I mean gps not gps fused with cell tower and wifi to create a location. eg gmaps defaults to a fused source when it can but is able to fall back to pure.
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SteelBytes wrote:
when I say gps I mean gps not gps fused with cell tower and wifi to create a location.
aka Skyhook. I remember when it was added to the iPhone.

The main problem with pure GPS is the acquisition time. It's gotten much better over the years with some dedicated silicon-level hardware, but still not instant. And instant is what phone users generally expect, so...
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Huh? Technology way over this old head. Seems that pretty much all 2 wheel speedos are optimistic. As has been stated above just go with traffic flow. If exact speed really mattered (has not so far) I'd look at the Garmin.

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SteelBytes wrote:
yes I know (I write android apps). as I said the gps in phones is more inaccurate then people realise. to be clear, when I say gps I mean gps not gps fused with cell tower and wifi to create a location. eg gmaps defaults to a fused source when it can but is able to fall back to pure.
This may well be true, but my experience in comparing an Android phone and tablet with an in-dash Garmin GPS over thousands of miles is that it is not noticeable. Speed difference would be fractions of 1 mph as the same number is displayed. That said, I have not compared during acceleration and curves.

There could be some small number of feet error on location, but not a noticeable concern compared to the displayed map.

Altitude, the Android device is inaccurate.
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marret wrote:
This may well be true, but my experience in comparing an Android phone and tablet with an in-dash Garmin GPS over thousands of miles is that it is not noticeable. Speed difference would be fractions of 1 mph as the same number is displayed. That said, I have not compared during acceleration and curves.

There could be some small number of feet error on location, but not a noticeable concern compared to the displayed map.
Once both devices have been on for a while, it's quite possible that both phone and GPS receiver are using actual GPS satellites. But this is definitely not true for the phone when you first open the map, since it likely hasn't finished satellite acquisition yet.

(It also depends on whether or not the phone is using the doppler-shift technique or some primitive hack for speed readings, and that isn't easy to determine casually).
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jess wrote:
Once both devices have been on for a while, it's quite possible that both phone and GPS receiver are using actual GPS satellites. But this is definitely not true for the phone when you first open the map, since it likely hasn't finished satellite acquisition yet.

(It also depends on whether or not the phone is using the doppler-shift technique or some primitive hack for speed readings, and that isn't easy to determine casually).
These Android devices are only using GPS, no cell service. Definitely talking about after satellite acquisition with a map app open. No idea how speed readings are being determined.

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jess wrote:
This is a common misunderstanding of how GPS receivers calculate speed. Most people just assume the most obvious speed calculation -- the distance between two successive locations over a fixed time interval. But GPS receivers (well, most of them) use a much more clever way to calculate speed.

The preferred way for a GPS receiver to calculate speed is by observing the doppler shift on the GPS carrier frequency from multiple satellites. Position is irrelevant, and therefore vertical travel is irrelevant as well.

Generally speaking, GPS-based speed readings should be good to within about 1MPH.

(Here's a reference if you don't believe me).

One could attempt to calculate speed in the obvious way -- from successive location readings. And I'm sure some GPS receivers -- especially "soft" receivers like those in phones -- might do something like this. But this technique is considered inferior, for reasons that you've highlighted in your post.
I was just pointing out that the GPS in a phone or a commercial handheld is not anywhere as accurate as people imagine them to be. There is always error in any measuring device, no matter what it is. Be it a roadside radar warning sign, your cell phone, a Garmin, whatever. And the speedometer on a vehicle certainly isn't accurate to 100%. It really doesn't matter if it is somewhat close. I'm sure there are cops out there that would ticket you for doing 1 mph or 1 kph over the limit, but most have better things to do. It's hard to make those tickets stick anyway. When I was younger, I had a state trooper tell me that if you aren't doing something crazy like 20mph over the limit, he's not going to bother you. Now, if you were doing 10mph over and you did something else, say improper lane change or pass on a double yellow or something, then he's going to pull you over. I think most are like that.

The speedo on my Primavera is 4% off. The one on my car is about 5% off. It's within specs, and not a big deal.
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I'm getting the distinct impression that people don't actually want to know about the inner workings of GPS, judging by most of the responses.

As you wish. I'll be off to find a better way to waste my time.

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jess wrote:
I'm getting the distinct impression that people don't actually want to know about the inner workings of GPS, judging by most of the responses.

As you wish. I'll be off to find a better way to waste my time.
Actually I've always found it very fascinating, just not the point I was making at the time. Cheers!
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BlueWasp23 wrote:
Actually I've always found it very fascinating, just not the point I was making at the time. Cheers!
It was your specific post I was responding to, because it was completely off-base about how GPS speed readings actually worked. I tried to give you some better information, but...

You know what? Nevermind. I have no more fucks to give.

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jess wrote:
It was your specific post I was responding to, because it was completely off-base about how GPS speed readings actually worked. I tried to give you some better information, but...

You know what? Nevermind.
Ah, typical forum behavior. I was being general, not overly specific, and someone took it as a complete, specific, exhaustive statement. I was wondering how long it would take until that happened in this forum. It hadn't, until now.

I'm sorry I misspoke. I am sorry I didn't cite sources. I'm sorry I didn't write a 600 page missive. I am sorry you took the wrong message from what I was saying. Mea culpa!
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BlueWasp23 wrote:
I'm sorry I misspoke. I am sorry I didn't cite sources. I'm sorry I didn't write a 600 page missive. I am sorry you took the wrong message from what I was saying. Mea culpa!
I didn't take the wrong message. You put forth a completely bullshit version of how GPS speed measurements work. I corrected you. You objected that nothing is accurate, probably because you disliked being publicly corrected.

You're welcome.

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jess wrote:
I didn't take the wrong message. You put forth a completely bullshit version of how GPS speed measurements work. I corrected you. You objected that nothing is accurate, probably because you disliked being publicly corrected.

You're welcome.
If it makes you feel better, being pedantic. Good day.
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BlueWasp23 wrote:
If it makes you feel better, being pedantic. Good day.
You know what has a short shelf life at Modern Vespa? Newbies with an attitude.

You know what has an even shorter shelf life at Modern Vespa? Newbies with an attitude that don't know what they're talking about.

Good day indeed.

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jess wrote:
You know what has a short shelf life at Modern Vespa? Newbies with an attitude.

You know what has an even shorter shelf life at Modern Vespa? Newbies with an attitude that don't know what they're talking about.

Good day indeed.
Well evidently pedantic Bay Area a-holes last a long time on the shelf. Hope you are proud of yourself for sucking the fun out of an otherwise pleasant forum.

There's one like you in every forum, making them a complete hellhole of assholery. Why can't people like you just leave well enough alone. Is it so damned important to you to be 100% correct that you have to alienate people?

For your information, I do know how GPS works. It wasn't in my interest, nor that of anyone else here, apparently to have a lecture on how they work. I don't have the energy to type that much. I have physical issue that limit the amount of time I can stay at a keyboard. I was merely just making a point that there are errors all over the place. Who cares if I didn't get every detail 100% correct and complete? The point is that there are errors all over the place and if your speedometer is within a few percent, then it is good enough. But I can see you are the sort of person that would niggle over 0.1% error on an analog speedometer.

Don't bother responding, I'm done with arguing with someone that can't see the big picture. But I know your type, you have to have the last word, so go ahead knock yourself out. Damn, there's one in every forum, every single last one of them!
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What's funny here is that he doesn't even realize. I wasn't sure at first, but now I'm sure.

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jess wrote:
What's funny here is that he doesn't even realize. I wasn't sure at first, but now I'm sure.
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It seems my post has been reported as a personal attack.

Oh shit, I might get banned.
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Whenever people get a wild hair about picking a fight with Jess, I get this mental picture of them yelling "Witness Me!" at their browser and then rattlecanning their mouth silver...

Facepalm emoticon
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az_slynch wrote:
I get this mental picture of them yelling "Witness Me!" at their browser and then rattlecanning their mouth silver...
ROFL emoticon

I genuinely LOL'd.
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If anyone wonders about the reference:

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oh man... it's been a hot minute since we had a full scale melt down.

love it.

can't hardly wait for the re-register to come back and tell us all how much he doesn't have time for this and doesn't care.

Popcorn emoticon
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greasy125 wrote:
can't hardly wait for the re-register to come back and tell us all how much he doesn't have time for this and doesn't care.
If you want to be entertained, check the Abuse Log in modtools. I count 71 attempts.

Seventy. One.

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jess wrote:
If you want to be entertained, check the Abuse Log in modtools. I count 71 attempts.

Seventy. One.

impressive. it was only 35 when I checked about a half hour ago.

evidently spending all that precious keyboard time on the important activities.

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About 2-3 miles per hour off here for me. Pretty normal.
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jess wrote:
It seems my post has been reported as a personal attack.

Oh shit, I might get banned.
Don't worry. I know the guy that makes that decision.

I'll talk to him.
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Every Vespa, and most scooters and small displacement bikes tend to be about 5-10% optimistic. 10% optimistic on my Piaggio and KYMCO products for sure. For bigger liter bikes, flagship bikes, that sort of thing, you might see them much less 'off'.
Lebo wrote:
You're correct. Get used to it and factor it in. I recently asked a BMW dealer if the speedos are accurate on the GS. Nope. They are a few mph off too.
Interesting, my G650GS that I shipped to Italy is pretty much bang on. It surprised me because it's none of the things I would expect to have an accurate speedo, but I don't know if that's by design, by modification, or by dumb luck.

I just bought a second G650GS, so I can have one on each side of the ocean. When I get it on the road I'll see if it's also accurate or not.
GBaby wrote:
I was trying to figure out by what percentage the speedometer was "optimistic" on my motorcycle so, having nothing else to do one chilly morning, I rode around making video of the speedometer and a gps app at various speeds. Later, having nothing else to do, I got completely carried away and edited it all into a youtube video.
Simple but great video. Looks like you're getting anywhere from 3%-9% off most of the time.
JBacklund wrote:
My phone is with me when I ride, but it's always exiled to the interior of my backpack (which I always wear these days, regardless of which machine I'm riding) along with my baseball cap.
Food for thought. Should you ever get into an accident, in many parts of the world paramedics in an ambulance can get to your phone, if it's on you, and call your ICE number (in case emergency). If they're in a rush to get you in an ambulance and to a hospital, there's no guarantee your backpack is making it with you. You may want to, at the very least, have your phone in your pocket.

Your life, your ride. Personally if shit hits the fan, I want to be able to reach out.
Bill Dog wrote:
If you change the primary drive sprocket on a Honda CB 500 X from a 15 tooth to a 16 tooth the speedo reads correctly.

They couldn't make it accurate at the factory
I'm going to count teeth on my G650GS sprockets when I get back to Italy...
BlueWasp23 wrote:
Well evidently pedantic Bay Area a-holes last a long time on the shelf. Hope you are proud of yourself for sucking the fun out of an otherwise pleasant forum.

There's one like you in every forum, making them a complete hellhole of assholery. Why can't people like you just leave well enough alone. Is it so damned important to you to be 100% correct that you have to alienate people?

For your information, I do know how GPS works. It wasn't in my interest, nor that of anyone else here, apparently to have a lecture on how they work. I don't have the energy to type that much. I have physical issue that limit the amount of time I can stay at a keyboard. I was merely just making a point that there are errors all over the place. Who cares if I didn't get every detail 100% correct and complete? The point is that there are errors all over the place and if your speedometer is within a few percent, then it is good enough. But I can see you are the sort of person that would niggle over 0.1% error on an analog speedometer.

Don't bother responding, I'm done with arguing with someone that can't see the big picture. But I know your type, you have to have the last word, so go ahead knock yourself out. Damn, there's one in every forum, every single last one of them!
Holy, I missed out on the fun lol
jess wrote:
It seems my post has been reported as a personal attack.

Oh shit, I might get banned.
Second one this week, look at you go!
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adri wrote:
Second one this week, look at you go!
That guy didn't know I was the admin and owned the forum.

You, though -- you actually know better. Which makes yours just a futile stunt.
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jess wrote:
That guy didn't know I was the admin and owned the forum.

You, though -- you actually know better. Which makes yours just a futile stunt.
Nah. No stunt. Just being a good forum member and reporting foul play when I see it. Would of done the same if it was someone trying to sell knock off Vespa t-shirts or what have you.
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adri wrote:
Just being a good forum member and reporting foul play when I see it.
Thoroughly unconvincing.
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jess wrote:
It seems my post has been reported as a personal attack.

Oh shit, I might get banned.
or maybe, disemvoweled?!?

Laughing emoticon ROFL emoticon Clap emoticon
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jess wrote:
Thoroughly unconvincing.
Adri, c'mon man. Ticking the dragon's tail only worked so many times for Louis Slotin.
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az_slynch wrote:
Adri, c'mon man. Ticking the dragon's tail only worked so many times for Louis Slotin.
Nice Canadian reference!

At the current level of annoyance, I'm unlikely to ban Adri.

In fact, I might bestow a title upon him!
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jess wrote:
If you want to be entertained, check the Abuse Log in modtools. I count 71 attempts.

Seventy. One.

Where can I find this log.
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Sadragna wrote:
Where can I find this log.
You can't. It's part of the back-end of Modern Vespa for the moderators.

The Abuse Log is a running log of everything that is automatically blocked -- things like spambots, high-bandwidth scraping, SQL injection attacks, failed logins, and attempted re-registrations by banned users.

Here's a sample, with IP addresses obfuscated:
Forum member supplied image with no explanatory text
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All I can say is...Thanks Jess, and keep up the great work with this forum.

I'm sure I speak for many. We really appreciate your dedication.
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jess wrote:
Nice Canadian reference!

At the current level of annoyance, I'm unlikely to ban Adri.

In fact, I might bestow a title upon him!
Glad everyone's having fun

Re: whatever the 1950s reference was earlier, wayyyy before my time. Not even sure my parents were born yet.

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