Vespa 150cc
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Vespa 150cc
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My Brand New Project Red 150cc Primavera. I went from a full dressed Harley Davidson to this scooter, and I like it much more then I did my Harley, and I ride it much more also. Great Scooters
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2023 Primavera 150
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2023 Primavera 150
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MrT183 wrote:
My Brand New Project Red 150cc Primavera. I went from a full dressed Harley Davidson to this scooter, and I like it much more then I did my Harley, and I ride it much more also. Great Scooters
Congrats and you are preaching to the choir. I came from Gold Wings and Honda's V4 cruiser. I always thought bigger was better. I had other maxi scooters but then,........

Anyhoo, she looks great. Tail rack and backrest....you have a pillion that rides with you?
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2020 GTS 300, 2011 LX150ie
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Very nice. I can relate. All of my big Harleys are gone also. Loving the Vespas.
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@bob_copeland avatar

2013 Vespa 300 Super, 2022 Kymco AK 550
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2013 Vespa 300 Super, 2022 Kymco AK 550
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Matching wheels - looks really nice.

Bob Copeland
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2019 Primavera 150 & 2003 ET 150
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2019 Primavera 150 & 2003 ET 150
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A rare red dragon flat paint finish.
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2013 Vespa 300 Super, 2022 Kymco AK 550
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No, I think that is straight up Vespa Dragon Red (shinny). Of course. , my favorite color.

Bob Copeland
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2019 Primavera 150 & 2003 ET 150
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2019 Primavera 150 & 2003 ET 150
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Correct. On second look I realized it wasn't the rare flat finish, which is what my 2019 Primavera 150 is. Dragon Red Flat. Prior to this I had the 2003 ET4, but I found it unstable at anything over 45 mph; the wheels were 10" and narrow and they hated potholes. Whereas the Primavera wheels are 12" and wider. Also the body frame is 6" longer. So a more stable ride all around.

Charley Prowell
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Vespa Priimavera S 150
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Vespa Priimavera S 150
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My New Primavwra 150 S[img][/img]
My New Vespa Primavera 150 S
My New Vespa Primavera 150 S
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2019 Primavera 150 & 2003 ET 150
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2019 Primavera 150 & 2003 ET 150
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Now that's a beauty. What year? Love the striping. Where did you get that, or did it come with the scooter.
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2013 Vespa GTS300 Super, 2022 Kymco AD550
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2013 Vespa GTS300 Super, 2022 Kymco AD550
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I am with prowell, very nice looking scooter. After years of wanting the classic Vespa, I finally jumped on the GTS300 when they came out. I did have to have the Dragon Red.

Takes nothing away from that yellow beauty.

Charlie Prowell - you know we love photos - how about your flat red.

Bob Copeland
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2019 Primavera 150 & 2003 ET 150
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2019 Primavera 150 & 2003 ET 150
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I'll grab a photo, Bob. Crazy I don't have one. I've had the 2019 Primavera 150 for a year or so, after trading in my 2003 et4, which was the dragon red luster and not the flat One thing I love with the Primavera are the wider and larger 12" wheelbase. A much more stable ride.

I also rue the fact that I never thought to photograph my 1980 Vespa 50 I had back in the early 80's. That scooter was a great love of mine and fine for toddling around the flat streets of Marin county, but honestly it lacked the juice for the slightest incline.

charley prowell
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2019 Primavera 150 & 2003 ET 150
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How do I keep my Primavera clean? Hire cheap labor.

I picked up a seat cushion a few weeks ago. Makes a huge difference on the longer rides out along the coast on Hwy 1

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300gts super sport
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300gts super sport
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That Dragon red matte is really interesting. My son had the normal glossy Dragon red on a 125 lxie. After five years of ownership it still gleamed like a new bike.

Heres the bike at our old place next to my 1957 Rabeneick moped
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2019 Primavera 150 & 2003 ET 150
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2019 Primavera 150 & 2003 ET 150
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The '57 moped is at the far right? Looks in great shape. That must be fun.
What else am I looking at? Two nice looking rides.

The 2003 et4, Dragon red, rigged up with my golf clubs.
And next to my 2001 Cherokee.
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300gts super sport
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All those bikes are now gone ! The photo was probably 2016.
Blue bike is a BMW F650 twin ( 800 cc) I did about 30,000 miles on it great bike, replaced with a newer version I still own.

Red bike is a Kawasaki Kr1s , 250 cc two stroke twin, mad as a bat engine and geared for 145 mph. I had two !

The 1957 Rabeneick was very quirky bike probably only 100 or so imported into the uk when new. When I had it I think there were maybe three left in the UK. Most active support forum was Moped Army in the USA! Beautiful build quality and I owned it for 7/8 years. When I came to sell, the original owner bought it straight back.
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2019 Primavera 150 & 2003 ET 150
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2019 Primavera 150 & 2003 ET 150
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I could see the blue bike was a BMW. Such a beauty. My roomie in college had a 1965 BMW. He kept it for another 50 years. Had that lovable hummm unlke any other bike. The Kawasaki . . . well, too much bike for me.

Way back, in the early 70's, I had a Honda 175 dirt bike I took all over Arizona for a month. All the back off-roads through the indian reservations, camping and fishing. I dumped it a couple of times, but it was light and easy to right.
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