Vespa LX50 2T 2005
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Vespa LX50 2T 2005
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I finished my LX project a while ago and did so much work to it and it was perfect, it then sat for 9 days which isn't as long as other times this year.

Anyway last night it wouldn't start at all just cranked and the green light was on, same for kickstart just the green light then it goes but no engine noise.

I've checked the throttle cable, air filter, battery, fuel tap, spark plug and checked for spark and they're all fine
Also took the fuel line off the carb and it seemed fine

I might take apart the carb to clean it but it's not likely because the spark plug is really wet, could also be flooded but I removed the plug and kicked and electric starter it loads of times with no luck

Any advice

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njackste wrote:
I finished my LX project a while ago and did so much work to it and it was perfect, it then sat for 9 days which isn't as long as other times this year.

Anyway last night it wouldn't start at all just cranked and the green light was on, same for kickstart just the green light then it goes but no engine noise.

I've checked the throttle cable, air filter, battery, fuel tap, spark plug and checked for spark and they're all fine
Also took the fuel line off the carb and it seemed fine

I might take apart the carb to clean it but it's not likely because the spark plug is really wet, could also be flooded but I removed the plug and kicked and electric starter it loads of times with no luck

Any advice

If the plug is really wet, it's flooding. Maybe a stuck float needle or mixture is too rich. I'd start looking there. Good luck.

Vespa LX50 2T 2005
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Vespa LX50 2T 2005
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Hi thanks for the reply, what would you suggest doing next.
Remove and clean the carb or remove the plug and try kick start it
Or something else

Vespa LX50 2T 2005
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Vespa LX50 2T 2005
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Got it working thanks
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@jimjar avatar
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njackste, how did you fix it?
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