I thought there was already a thread for this, but searching didn't turn up anything. Tons of topics on engine stands, but nothing on scooter stands.
I know a lot of people use use the big red Harbor Freight motorcycle stand, but I'm too cheap to pay $600 and they never seem to go on sale any more.
Plus, I had an old motorcycle/atv stand I'd gotten for free and an idea or two for improvements that would make my stand scooter-specific. Namely, I wanted a stand that would let me swing the motor down to pull the top end off, which meant a removable rear section.
I built a new deck frame using 2" angle iron, and the rear section slides underneath it underneath, held in place by 1/2" angle iron rails welded onto the main frame.
I relocated the outer support leg to the end of the original frame, extending it 16", then welded on more angle iron to extend the base. Added some casters, fabricated the deck out of 1/2" plywood (too thin, but it's what I had available), and went to town.
I can provide some more details if people are interested. Total cost wound up being close to $300, excluding consumables like welding supplies and the original hydraulic stand I started from.
It's strong enough I can stand on the back deck without issues, so my welding is good enough for that. I will probably widen the base to 24" with some u-channel and relocate the casters onto that at some point, but it's pretty stable as it is.