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Hi all

I've recently had my engine rebuilt with a set of brand new uprated Malossi cases (as cracked my previous original cases).

As I'm running a kitted 210 Malossi reed valve setup in a Rally 200 I'm not using a starter motor.

I'm wanting to therefore blank off this hole in the case and wondered if anyone had suggestions as to the best solution?

I see they are available from shops in the UK, though being in Australia seems a bit silly to post such a basic part.


I have aluminium parts lasercut for bag hardware (I design and make bags) so can easily include a one-off blanking plate part with these.

It seems most of the blanking plates are stainless and looks like about 3mm thick, so would probably get it cut in 4mm aluminium to be safe (but could get stainless if necessary/better).

Would love any details anyone might have, and even better if anyone might have the CAD/cutting file they might like to share?


- Matt
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I've made one or two, usually from about 2mm aluminium. It does no work so it doesn't need to be strong.
However this is my favourite... copied the design in mild steel after breaking a CDI bracket recently.


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Ginch wrote:
I've made one or two, usually from about 2mm aluminium. It does no work so it doesn't need to be strong.
However this is my favourite... copied the design in mild steel after breaking a CDI bracket recently.


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Brilliant, that looks perfect!

I'll measure the bolt spacing on the cases and then setup the file.

Thanks very much
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That's been made particularly for the Vape ignition of course but I don't see why you couldn't adapt it for the stock ignition.
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Ginch wrote:
That's been made particularly for the Vape ignition of course but I don't see why you couldn't adapt it for the stock ignition.

I might stick with the smaller blanking plate (like below) and keep the ignition bracket seperate.

Appreciate your input!
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I'm liking the dual-purpose CDI bracket/blanking plate, Ginch.

So obvious when you see it, and I've never thought of it, despite drilling holes to mount the CDI multiple times now.
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chandlerman wrote:
I'm liking the dual-purpose CDI bracket/blanking plate, Ginch.

So obvious when you see it, and I've never thought of it, despite drilling holes to mount the CDI multiple times now.
Yes! The multiple brackets I generally use from SIP and then have to modify to suit mine are not a good answer... I particularly dislike the little nut and bolt that goes through the rubber grommets and case.

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I've used a large black rubber stopper from the local hardware store. It worked well, and stayed in place just from the friction of being jammed in the hole. Probably didn't cost more than $5.
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Matt, I'm in Brisbane and I've got a few laser cut from stainless steel.. PM me and we can sort one out for you?
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1977 Rally 200
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Stuarttiainen wrote:
Matt, I'm in Brisbane and I've got a few laser cut from stainless steel.. PM me and we can sort one out for you?

Just sent you a PM
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