Vespa Primavera 125
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Vespa Primavera 125
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Hi all - I have a primavera 125 from 2017 and yesterday when riding the little button in the middle of the turn signal switch popped off and disappeared.

Seems like the only option is to replace the whole unit (https://www.sip-scootershop.com/en/product/switch-unit-piaggio-left_PI000630?cr=3a6304bb-cc81-4ed5-9f63-1ff45fe1abfa&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwkY2qBhBDEiwAoQXK5XjdRXl_W4qamMWEBmjs3q_iD2YLF6PndkjANE0tFRbk7yF5q8vt_BoCveMQAvD_BwE) but it would end up being ~£100 when you include tax and assembly.

Has anyone had any luck with an alternative solution? Seems like such an expensive fix to a common issue (especially as it seems like the switch could break again if I'm not gentle).

Thanks a lot in advance!
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The white plastic piece in the center -- is it actually broken? Is there a part of it which would hold a replacement button in place, or would it have to be glued in?

Some ideas off the top of my head:
1. The turn signal switch itself looks a lot like switches from other Vespa models, even other brands (kinda looks like my Zuma's). Widen your search for aftermarket, used, or salvage switches.

2. Use a piece of some other object, like a ballpoint pen, toy, broken appliance, ..., to replace the button?

3. Do you know anyone with a 3-D printer who could design and make a new button?

4. If it's a "no" to the printer, could you fashion a button out of wood, plastic, or rubber?

Good luck!

Vespa Primavera 125
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Vespa Primavera 125
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Thank you very much! A lot of good ideas

I'm going to my local mechanic and see if we can fix it rather than replace the whole thing.

I bought this Vespa used from a dealer only 2 months ago. I have asked for them to replace it as part of the warranty but they said it was my fault as I should have been more gentle and that if the switch was damaged already, I would have noticed after a few days, not a few months.

Do you think there's any ground for challenging that and say it was not caused by abuse but rather by bad weather before I had bought it?
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vittoriotolo wrote:
...if the switch was damaged already, I would have noticed after a few days, not a few months.

Do you think there's any ground for challenging that and say it was not caused by abuse but rather by bad weather before I had bought it?
I think I'd agree with the dealer on that. A dealer's warranty isn't the same as the manufacturer's.

Primavera 150
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Same thing happened to my 2023 Primavera. Seems to me, a good time for Piaggio/Vespa to redesign that part.

Luckily for me, it was under warranty and the dealer replaced it. The entire cluster is just one part, so they have to replace all those switches as one unit. I

It looks like it would be very easy to mess things up even more, what with all the little plastic parts. I'd bite the bullet and take it to your dealer, or another repair shop that you trust.

Piaggio, if you are listening, make this part stronger!

(I guess Italians never use the turn signals.)
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TwistAndGo wrote:
Piaggio, if you are listening, make this part stronger!

(I guess Italians never use the turn signals.)
Surely these ones are made for the American market, where as evry fule knos, nobody uses blinkers. Razz emoticon
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jimc wrote:
Surely these ones are made for the American market, where as evry fule knos, nobody uses blinkers. Razz emoticon
We use em ahight we jus dont tern em off
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