Bill Dog wrote:
When I say it was sad to see this 70 year old trying to be angry it really was.
It was kind of pathetic.
However, when you're that age and you are dressing like a teenager there's a problem.
5-10 years ago my wife and I were in line at a burger joint to order dinner, and the guy in front of us was in full-on punk rocker getup - studded leather jacket, tight jeans, boots, studded belt, spiked/studded leather wrist bands, etc., etc. He even had a 6"-8" mohawk, spiked up.
Except he also had a bald spot in the back, due to Male Pattern Baldness®, so there was a gap between the top of the mohawk and the back of the mohawk.
I was impressed that he didn't care that his age was affecting his hair, and still chose to rock the 'hawk.