seamus26 wrote:
A week ago Sunday we ordered a new bed. We've had 19 good years with our current mattress, and we are 19 years older. It's time.
Follow up.
We found a factory defect in the base, the massage motor in the base squeaks, and I was fed up. I ranted at the sales manager who forwarded all the information to the regional manager and the director. Long story short, we've been trying to return this bed for a month, but on the delivery service side nobody knows what anyone else is doing. We'd gotten appointment confirmations that were then changed, all of them were early morning until finally I sent a flaming email directly to the company.
Finally I was confirmed for today after 4:00 which would have worked fine, but that didn't wok for the delivery company and they rescheduled me for yesterday. Because it was yesterday I left work an hour early to make sure I could be there.
It could take up to ten days for a refund, because they have to "inspect" the bed upon its return. The mattress which they threw unwrapped into the back of a box truck in January. I have plenty of pictures.
I questioned the sales manager saying, "So because you take the bed and hold our money, we have to shell out another $X for a second bed or sleep on the floor?"
Company policy.
I would never ever ever recommend going through Tempurpedic.
We had already bought another mattress that was waiting in the next room for the open bed frame. Fifteen minutes and our new-new mattress is on. I slept better last night than I have in a month just knowing that other bed was out of the house.