Bill Dog wrote:
Fair. I'm just saying the truck looks too big for the space.
That is all.
We have a Toyota Tundra. It's a biggish truck. Parking is the biggest hassle.
In Michigan, huge pickups are common. It's almost a status symbol.
Some parking lots have larger spaces to accommodate all sorts of vehicles. Costco and any of the big box home improvement stores usually have great parking spaces. Malls ... not so much, it seems.
I don't know if it's just an American thing, but people often think they need more car than they need. The vast majority of pickups on the road probably never leave the road. And a majority of the time they just carry the single occupant to work and back.
Don't get me wrong, I love my truck, but we usually only drive it when we need a truck, and then I try to be polite about parking because it a beast.
On the topic of ginormous vehicles, my wife and I pulled into Goodwill last week, and this particular store had special parking for people with high efficiency / low emissions vehicles. Perfect for the FIAT, because that's exactly what it is. When we came out, somebody had parked in the adjacent "special" space. In a Suburban.