seamus26 wrote:
The thing that stops me is insurance. Looking into filling the gap between now and 62. I don't want to wind up being "that one guy" with the diagnosis that wipes out all of our planning because I'm uninsured.
How has everyone else handled that?
My wife is younger..I'm still on her insurance, but she's ready to pull the plug soon (depending on the BS level at work, any day now...). She's shooting for 62, but concerned about insurance until she hits the Medicare shores. I stopped by my insurance agent for something else, but asked for a rough idea what insurance would cost...I was pretty impressed.....lower than I'd expected. Not sure how great it is, but not the worst.
mpfrank wrote:
So I'm not planning to retire until I either don't want to do this any more
I've been leaning your way for a while, though I still have a line in the sand which will still leave me relatively capable to do stuff. Sadly, I see the satisfaction of engagement with work waning, so it's not even a good balance anymore....and I'm pretty much 20 hours per week already!
znomit wrote:
Fled, did you see the joke I posted about Chiropractors?
Umm, no. Should I be afraid to look?
Okay, help me find it?