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Bob Copeland wrote:
Libraries and Newspapers,

I can not substantiate this, but I think 24 hour Cable News and looking things up on your computer have reduced newspaper circulation and folks going into a library to look something up.

I still like going into the library, but seem to buy books online to read them. I still like newspapers because they give you a more in depth reading on a subject.

Problem, local newspapers have been somewhat polarized politically like cable news. Best solution, watch different cable news sources and read a variety of newspapers.

Bob Copeland

I do like a good read. I have read all the Jack Reacher novels by author Lee Child. If you start, you may get hooked on these. It is like riding a Vespa - you become hooked.
Yes Newspapers are quite a depressing read, it takes me an hour to get through the headline news of Politics, Climate Crisis and Wars and then it's time for work. Why I don't start at the bottom and read the Leisure, Travel and Sports sections I will never know!
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Coddy wrote:
Yes Newspapers are quite a depressing read, it takes me an hour to get through the headline news of Politics, Climate Crisis and Wars and then it's time for work. Why I don't start at the bottom and read the Leisure, Travel and Sports sections I will never know!
I always start with the comics.
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Comics are about all I read.

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mpfrank wrote:
I always start with the comics.
As do I - the best part first! Scooter emoticon
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mpfrank wrote:
I always start with the comics.
I like reading the dystopian fiction section which seems to get larger every year.
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znomit wrote:
I like reading the dystopian fiction section which seems to get larger every year.
So you end with the comics then?
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Not pissing me off, but annoying me.

Last Christmas the hostess went "white elephant" without any prior cue.

The whole "white elephant" idea sucks. I like picking my gift for people I care about.

Last Christmas I took my gifts out of the pile but I was the asshole all night.

Spent close to $600 on my gifts fuck a white elephant.
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OBX Dude wrote:
Last Christmas the hostess went "white elephant" without any prior cue.

The whole "white elephant" idea sucks. I like picking my gift for people I care about.
Here's a counterpoint from the opposite end of the spectrum: finding gifts for people terrifies me, and creates a massive amount of anxiety, to the point that I don't want to participate in the holidays.

A White Elephant gift exchange removes all of that anxiety, lessens the financial burden (which is a huge issue for some) and makes for a light-hearted, fun time.
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jess wrote:
Here's a counterpoint from the opposite end of the spectrum: finding gifts for people terrifies me, and creates a massive amount of anxiety, to the point that I don't want to participate in the holidays.

A White Elephant gift exchange removes all of that anxiety, lessens the financial burden (which is a huge issue for some) and makes for a light-hearted, fun time.
While from a personal perspective I agree with you, think about this.
OBX is saying he shopped and spent a large amount of money on his gifts, with specific people in mind.

And after that effort, his gifts went into the white elephant pile.
I'd not be merely annoyed by this; I'd be pissed.
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jess wrote:
Here's a counterpoint from the opposite end of the spectrum: finding gifts for people terrifies me, and creates a massive amount of anxiety, to the point that I don't want to participate in the holidays.

A White Elephant gift exchange removes all of that anxiety, lessens the financial burden (which is a huge issue for some) and makes for a light-hearted, fun time.
I really appreciate your moderation here, but I give gifts from the heart. Maybe I'm just getting old?
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Madison Sully wrote:
While from a personal perspective I agree with you, think about this.
OBX is saying he shopped and spent a large amount of money on his gifts, with specific people in mind.

And after that effort, his gifts went into the white elephant pile.
I'd not be merely annoyed by this; I'd be pissed.
Not to mention when my niece opened up her present to find a fleshlight it was a bit awkward.
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OBX Dude wrote:
Not to mention when my niece opened up her present to find a fleshlight it was a bit awkward.

Hopefully all traces of "FROM" were removed from the, um, package?
Facepalm emoticon What The? emoticon
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Used some wd40 on the ball of the mirror on my gts.

Now I need anti-wd40.

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SteelBytes wrote:
Used some wd40 on the ball of the mirror on my gts.

Now I need anti-wd40.

Isn't that duct tape? That should look really good on your mirrors Bleh emoticon
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Olde Rider wrote:
Isn't that duct tape? That should look really good on your mirrors Bleh emoticon
Came here to say that. Leaving satisfied.
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jess wrote:
Here's a counterpoint from the opposite end of the spectrum: finding gifts for people terrifies me, and creates a massive amount of anxiety, to the point that I don't want to participate in the holidays.

A White Elephant gift exchange removes all of that anxiety, lessens the financial burden (which is a huge issue for some) and makes for a light-hearted, fun time.
Counter-counterpoint: Not every white elephant exchange is run the same. Some are simply the you get what you get variety. At my work, they allow gift stealing. My wife told me about a white elephant exchange at a job she had before we met. She was used to white elephant gift exchanges being light-hearted and somewhat gag-gifty in nature. At that particular office, they were sincere in their gifts. She picked out some off-the-wall ugly statue from a thrift store, as a joke. Luckily, everyone loved it.

I haven't participated in the white elephant gift exchange at work, mainly because it makes me uncomfortable. I'd rather do a Secret Santa type exchange.
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monogodo wrote:
Counter-counterpoint: Not every white elephant exchange is run the same. Some are simply the you get what you get variety. At my work, they allow gift stealing. My wife told me about a white elephant exchange at a job she had before we met. She was used to white elephant gift exchanges being light-hearted and somewhat gag-gifty in nature. At that particular office, they were sincere in their gifts. She picked out some off-the-wall ugly statue from a thrift store, as a joke. Luckily, everyone loved it.
The gift stealing is what makes the White Elephant exchange entertaining. Gifts can still be sincere, or gag gifts, doesn't really matter. The best is probably a mix of the two.
monogodo wrote:
I'd rather do a Secret Santa type exchange.
I completely understand.
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jess wrote:
Came here to say that. Leaving satisfied.
Considering the branding of a famous Aussie starting fluid, I' m a bit disappointed that they don't have a Loctite variant called "Stay Put Ya Bastard".
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We have a Secret Santa *with stealing* within our 'bubble'. Very entertaining! Apart from that I avoid the 'holidays' as much as possible.
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OBX Dude wrote:
Not to mention when my niece opened up her present to find a fleshlight it was a bit awkward.
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I got to work after lunch and checked to see if my left directional was working on the car. Twice today, at the same intersection in the country on my way to work, a vehicle at the intersection I was turning at started out from their stop sign. The first one in the morning was a car, the lady blocked my lane when she aborted her left turn and eventually backed up. I deemed it worthy to give her the glare

This afternoon the offender was an LP truck.

My turn signal is working fine....
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fledermaus wrote:
My turn signal is working fine....
I am given to believe that only BMWs, Audis, and Volvos have nonfunctional turn signals.
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fledermaus wrote:
I got to work after lunch and checked to see if my left directional was working on the car. Twice today, at the same intersection in the country on my way to work, a vehicle at the intersection I was turning at started out from their stop sign. The first one in the morning was a car, the lady blocked my lane when she aborted her left turn and eventually backed up. I deemed it worthy to give her the glare

This afternoon the offender was an LP truck.

My turn signal is working fine....
Should have been a roundabout. Razz emoticon
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jess wrote:
I am given to believe that only BMWs, Audis, and Volvos have nonfunctional turn signals.
Or is that dys-functional operators?
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fledermaus wrote:
Or is that dys-functional operators?
Impossible to know.
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jess wrote:
I am given to believe that only BMWs, Audis, and Volvos have nonfunctional turn signals.
Don't forget about Teslas! I feel like they took the crown from team BMW.
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Shebalba wrote:
Don't forget about Teslas! I feel like they took the crown from team BMW.
This was so prevalent that they just didn't bother to add steering stalks to the upcoming models.
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All German and Swedish cars are fitted with indicators as standard however to actually operate them you have to pay a monthly subscription.
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Seems back when I was learning to drive there was a rule of thumb for distance to follow another car. It was I believe one car length for each ten miles an hour you are driving.

These days, maybe to lessen the crowding on highways, they must have changed that rule to one car length for each 100 miles an hour!
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kshansen wrote:
Seems back when I was learning to drive there was a rule of thumb for distance to follow another car. It was I believe one car length for each ten miles an hour you are driving.

These days, maybe to lessen the crowding on highways, they must have changed that rule to one car length for each 100 miles an hour!
Yeah, it seems like that! I use the three second rule, which automatically accounts for different speeds. On the Scooter emoticon , it doesn't matter, since I'm almost never following someone. I just travel little-used back roads.
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Owner of a shop that has a vespa I am trying to buy. Spoke on the phone, put a $500 deposit using my CC. He send the invoice, and it is $500 over what it was advertised. I want the scooter, but what else it wrong? He is trying to cheat me.

Oh and the invoice says NONREFUNDABLE DEPOSIT.

Why be a DICK for $500.
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1st World Problem #10,567.

These damned upside-down ketchup bottle 'sphincters' that clench tightly when pressure is initially applied to the plastic bottle, then suddenly let go and 'splooge' the tomato-y sauce all over the plate in an explosive condiment diarrhea. No finesse or modulation, just zero to 100 in one second.
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Bill Dog wrote:
All German and Swedish cars are fitted with indicators as standard however to actually operate them you have to pay a monthly subscription.
And go to the workshop monthly to have the blinker fluid topped up.
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File this under what used to piss me off but now I just laugh.

I drive on a pretty twisty, hilly road on my commute. Starts out at 45 mph, goes to 55 mph for awhile then drops to 45 mph as it goes into Bloomington with few passing zone opportunities. Total length is about 15 miles.

Brown County, where I live, is a bit of an aberration in the state of Indiana in terrain and many, even from surrounding counties, who are used to mainly straight and flat roads drive at or below the speed limit on our curvy roads. This seems to piss certain locals off. Some of them will try to pass when it is not safe to pass or even pass in no passing zones putting everyone in jeopardy.

This used to piss me off but most of the time after all of their shenanigans they are only a few car's ahead of where they started by the time we reach the end and now I find it funny. Especially since it is many of the usual suspects I see most days.

Full disclosure. When I am on my scooter my persona slides to Ludacris and, "Move, bitch! Get out the way, Get out the way, bitch, get out the way"
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I'll often have someone overtake me in a car when we are on the outskirts of a town and then at the next set of lights I arrive at the front and I'm ahead again without even trying.

Doing that on a scooter never gets boring.
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I kept doing that on my 125 to a chap in a BMW 3-series on the way to Tenby, he got so very angry about it
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As did a little man in a white convertable Mercdes Benz a few years back with DANE written on his licence plate.

I was on the Enfield. I won.
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If anyone knows someone who works at Magneti Marelli can you please kick them in the shins for me 🤬

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The van I was following had both blinkers (hazard lights) on for a kilometer. When I decided to pass him, I flashed him several times with no response, I pull out, give it some welly- then he turns right-into my shoulder.
I open my eye-one was closed with part of my spectacle frame stuck in my eyebrow. Me and Vespa were in a wet soggy ditch, a bloke's face close to mine saying 'are you alright mate, I've got deliveries to make' .!!!. Ambulance, police etc. Hospital, hole in R/leg; L/shoulder bust and in several pieces . Important part- bike, amazingly, suffered only some panel damage to leg shield. That all happened in January. Recently I got back to riding...my 50cc and my wifes' 100cc Zip. Getting used to limited movement in left arm...works from elbow down... I have to lift it with right arm on to bars- the restoring confidence was quite a biggy. Onward and upward. Had my 89th birthday in October.
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These 'cattle grates' to stand on in the urinal.
It implies that I'm a moron who can't pee without it going on to the floor.
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