This has recently started and it's worrying me as the scoot is my daily.
I use it everyday in all weathers living in the uk it doesn't get that cold but has been very wet recently.
So the problem I'm having is that she starts up okay goes to high revs to warm up (higher than normal) then drops low so low she cuts out sometimes. Very juddery when pulling away and loss of power/speed. Take longer to get up to 30mph for instance.
Once she's warmed up 1/4 mile up the road she idles fine when I stop at lights. But still judders when pulling away then snaps out of it. But still slow to get up to speed (compared to what it's normally like) rollers and belt are soon due a change. Done about 6k on what's on her now.
Will be checking battery power asap.
Recently had a spark plug and oil change.
Rollers and belt to be changed soon.
Has anyone got any further suggestions?
Absolutely love the bike (when it ride properly) owned it 5 months and done about 1.3k
Many thanks