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Good day and thank you for the opportunity to be part of this great forum. I have been silently pirate reading here from South Africa. I recently purchased a second VSX1T, I am a bit large for the small frames.

The scooter has been standing for many years, but is in excellent condition and I got it going (kickstart) within 3 days of tinkering.

The electrics requires some faultfinding.

Faults are:
No reaction to electric start: Resolved-- I grounded the pink clutch safety switch wire.
Indicators not working (also indication lights on speedo) Resolved----2 loose wires, soldered.
Fuel level not workingResolved--Loose connection white/blue wire to speedometer terminals

What works:
High/Low main beam --intermittent.
Rear light
High/Low main beam indication on speedo.

Some guidance on the faultfinding process would be much appreciated.

I do have a multimeter and basic knowledge, and have a few versions of P-Series electrical wiring diagrams. I have not made time to spend more than an hour looking at the basics, battery, fuse, some connections etc.

I do have one specific question. What is this single pink wire in the middle and where does it go? Resolved--This should go to the clutch safety switch or bypassed to ground if desired.

Thank you in advance.
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JohanRSA wrote:
I do have one specific question. What is this single pink wire in the middle and where does it go?

Thank you in advance.
To the speedo.
Have you replaced and fully charged the battery?
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Thanks Roy

Yes, the battery is new and charged.

I could not find any sensible place on the speedo for the pink wire to go.

After further searching I am leaning towards the clutch safety switch (that I suspect has been removed).
I will update on progress. Feedback: Switch was removed by previous owner. I connected the pink wire to ground and it starts just fine now.
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JohanRSA wrote:
Thanks Roy

Yes, the battery os new and charged.

I could not find any sensible place on the speedo for the pink wire to go.

After further searching I am leaning towards the clutch safety switch (that I suspect has been removed).
Yeah, I'd guess clutch switch too.

I'm guessing they're usually removed and not replaced when a clutch cable is replaced.

I don't think it needs it for an electrical start.

But I'd ghetto test the starter motor with a 12v battery.

Also for the indicators too. Use a 12v battery to make sure the pin connector on the cowl and front lights are working. Then trace the fault backwards.

Usual suspects are a bad earth, or faulty indicator relay

What year PX is it?

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+1 clutch switch.
The connector might be tucked inside the gear tube. The switches are difficult to remove, so is a chance it's still there.
If you ground that wire the starter button might work.
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Thanks Gents!

The Chassis Vin nr shows up as 1988, the engine number as 1985. I've wondered if it was possibly built like that or whether the motor was replaced at some time?
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Battery is there only for starter and horn. Indicators and fuel level work on the AC side when engine's running. Lights should also run on AC unless someone rewired them or work of battery for a specific market. That disconnected wire is for the clutch safety switch. You can ground it and do a test if the starter will work…
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Thanks to your good advice, I have made good progress.

The pink wire was indeed for the MIA clutch switch. I Earthed it and 'vroom' ... she starts via starter switch in fraction of a second.

Found loose soldered wires in the indicator switch unit and soldered them (white/blue and brown)

Took her for a test drive.

Indicators left and right rear comes on but are flashing fast/irregularly. Intetestinhly this scooter does mot have frong indicators, nor a cybbyhole/glovebox

The main and low beam headlight go weak at high revs. and at low revs they are bright again. Being powered by AC from the stator this has me stumped.

Any suggestions on the 2 issues please?
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Dim headlight at idle and weird flashing indicators and flashing speed is normal for the PX and AC power.

The indicators don't flash at the same time right? It's more like a Christmas tree…

Always thought it was weird… but seems like it's by design
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It is by design, to reduce headlight flicker.
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I have to clarify the dim headlights: The problem is that they go dim/very weak when the speed/revs are high.
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Ah got you.

I'd look at the reg/rec, usually that's faulty. Had same symptoms on a Honda bike.

The other thing afterwards to look at would be the stator.
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Unfortunately I have not yet resolved my PX Arco issues.

The battery is not receiving any charge and AC is weak at high RPM.

The stator is the 5 wire Green Blue(correction) Red Black White version.

CDI: White Red Green in and Green out

RegRec is 5 pin A A G +B Earth.

I have compared this to a number of electrical diagrams and have not found one matching this setup.

Is the regulator perhaps a mismatch for the stator? Do I need the M C B+ G G version?

Please advise.
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Wrong regulator for your loom. You need this one...
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Thanks for the quick response SaFis, I am on the track of the correct Regulator.
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Just to let you know that I received the correct regulator (GG+B C and earth) and all looks good now. The headlight is brighter and constant, no longer fading with increasing revs as with the wrong regulator.

Thanks Safis and others for your assistance.
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