PabloLie wrote:
May I ask if you have a quick fix whenever that happens?
Pablo, I'm sorry to say no quick fix
I had that problem intermittently a while ago on the 250. Some days starts and could go by without problems, other times I would go out to buy something and then it wouldn't turn on (after turn on easy the first time).
After almost 2 weeks of checking everything, I noticed the light on the dashboard and that it coincided with when the motorcycle didn't want to start, first I thought it was the regular key, but then it did it with the brown key too, so key discarded.
I cleaned the ignition, the fuses, check any broken cable, etc., and it was still the same, so I started searching and found a temporal donor, to check, in the shop from a piaggio that are for a major engine work who I could remove the transceiver from. Problem goes for 3 weeks, then I find the piece from a piaggio destroyed in a junk place and for more than a year the problem has disappeared, so I'm sure the problem was the transceiver that reads the key code.
All the process takes me more that 1 year of headaches and the constant worry about whether or not the bike was going to start.
A simple way, in addition to observing the immobilizer light on the dashboard, is that when this fault occurs, when you pass the key the dashboard turns on, everything seems to be fine, but when you touch the start button nothing happens, literally nothing, and the brake lights come on etc.