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Molto Verboso
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'95 Yamaha Riva 125- '05 Piaggio BV200-'05 Honda Reflex-'08 Honda Metropolitan
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Just finished winterizing three of our four scooters. I left my Reflex road ready just in case we get some decent weather over the next few weeks. After cleaning everything up and putting tools etc away I realized that I bought (and used) 15w-40 oil! Facepalm emoticon
It's the same brand - Rotella that I always use. I'm not worried about the other two scooters but putting the "wrong" oil in my BV200 has me thinking. Anyone care to offer some thoughts?

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Some people prefer a closer number between the two as it puts less demand on the additives within the oil, so a 15w40 will be more stable than a 0w40 long term.

All depends on the climate you're in really. A 15w40 will take longer to warm up, so isn't as good for very cold climates - but as you're winterising your bikes, you're probably not using them in cold weather anyway?

A 15w40 is also better if you've got any leaks etc as it won't leak as much.

Once warmed up, it should theoretically be no different to a 5w40 as the first number is only the cold rating.

If riding in the cold, maybe be a bit gentler for the first couple of minutes riding - but this isn't something I'd be concerned about.
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Outdoor ambient temperature vs oil grade.
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Molto Verboso
'95 Yamaha Riva 125- '05 Piaggio BV200-'05 Honda Reflex-'08 Honda Metropolitan
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'95 Yamaha Riva 125- '05 Piaggio BV200-'05 Honda Reflex-'08 Honda Metropolitan
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Thanks for the reply. I was thinking on the same line. That scooter is not used in cold weather anymore. If I ride when it's cold I take the Reflex it has a windshield. The 5w-40 comes in a blue container and the stuff I bought came in a silver container. Guess I have too much on my mind... either that or I'm starting to lose it.

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