Error goes away when I turn off the bike. Tilt lock will engage intermittently and I have to turn off bike then turn on to disengage. If I do not try to engage the lock, the bike is completely fine. I plan to run it that way, but I would like to fix should I ever want to use and for resale value down the road.
Reading pretty much every post, here is what I have tried:
-top off reservoir
-full tilt system bleed and fluid replace (all new fluid and kept full the entire time)
-cleaned speed sensor and inspected wires (looked intact)
My next thoughts to try:
-microswitch (can't find a good video or picture to diagnose)
-pressure switch (can't find a good video or picture to diagnose)
Complete newbie in cycles, but I am a diy guy and pretty handy. Any ideas or suggestions would be greatly appreciated