2023 Vespa GTS Super Tech 300 HPE
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2023 Vespa GTS Super Tech 300 HPE
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Hi everyone, I just bought a GTS Supertech last week and I absolutely love it so far! I also love working with data and I'm looking for a way to use my the statistics in the Vespa app to build charts and dashboards.

I tried to export the data by clicking Settings -> Vehicle Backup -> Export my data which gives me a .json file, but the file that was exported doesn't seem to be in .json format and can't be read.

Wondering if anyone figured out this issue?
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Veni, Vidi, Posti
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Veni, Vidi, Posti
@steelbytes avatar
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Yes, i figured it out.

I wrote an import button in my android app to decrypt and import that json.

My app can export as an sqlite .db


2023 Vespa GTS Super Tech 300 HPE
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2023 Vespa GTS Super Tech 300 HPE
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Legend! I don't have any android-based phones though.. Do you have an iOS version in the works? Or is that impossible to make
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Veni, Vidi, Posti
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jagungleher wrote:
Legend! I don't have any android-based phones though.. Do you have an iOS version in the works? Or is that impossible to make
I don't have any iOS coding skills.

You could use an Android emulator to run my app
⬆️    About 1 year elapsed    ⬇️
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SteelBytes wrote:
...to decrypt and import that json.
Do you (or anyone else) have a hint as to what format that "json" is in (or what decrypts it)?

Whatever it is, it's gnarly: ASCII text, with very long lines, with no line terminators. BMW Moto app lets you one tap to export a GPX file from a single trip...wouldn't that be nice.
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Veni, Vidi, Posti
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@steelbytes avatar
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ayman wrote:
Do you (or anyone else) have a hint as to what format that "json" is in (or what decrypts it)?

Whatever it is, it's gnarly: ASCII text, with very long lines, with no line terminators. BMW Moto app lets you one tap to export a GPX file from a single trip...wouldn't that be nice.
iirc it's the following:

sqliteDB -> json -> blowfish* -> base64 -> json -> base64 -> file

yeah, probably not handy info to you.

I suggest importing into my app and then exporting from my app.

* unusual choice of encryption alg
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SteelBytes wrote:
sqliteDB -> json -> blowfish* -> base64 -> json -> base64 -> file
Actually thats quite handy for a starting point! Many thanks. Also I'm on iOS so unfortunately can't use your app.
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Veni, Vidi, Posti
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@steelbytes avatar
2019 GTS 300 HPE Supertech E3 64,000km
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ayman wrote:
I'm on iOS so unfortunately can't use your app.
FYI burners are cheap - it'll run on the most ancient low end Android that you can find
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