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I expect it is measurably different where you are in the USA/World. Here in Minnesota we have no snow and temperatures in the 40's and 50's. The last time it was this extreme was 1943 (before my time).

Bob Copeland
Not so Frostbite Falls Minnesota
This is the look in front my casa.  Metropolitan Twin Cities.
This is the look in front my casa. Metropolitan Twin Cities.
Here is a normal Winter - mail box in front of my house
Here is a normal Winter - mail box in front of my house
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Looks like you can get a jump on thatching and prepping your lawn for summer with temps reaching 50.

Here in Southern California I've got the portable sump pump ready in case the patio drains get overwhelmed.

The 5yo, (when he was a 3yo) put a bunch of rocks and pine cones down one of them. Facepalm emoticon
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Same here in upstate NY, I'm a fan of global warming in the winter months…not so much in the summer.
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Please stop shouting. Your post contains an unacceptably large number of capital letters.
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Jackp wrote:
Same here in upstate NY, I'm a fan of global warming in the winter months…not so much in the summer.
Yea I'm just a touch west of Syracuse and don't think I really needed to snow blow the drive way more than once. I would usually be doing it twice a day most winters, sometimes more. Only had any real frost in the ground for little more than a week.

If it wasn't for the salt on the roads I would be taking some short rides. Heck yesterday I fired up the riding mower and did a few laps up and down the driveway for fun! I stayed off the lawn as I did not want to get stuck in mud.
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It's been I very "no snow" winter in the Reno/Tahoe area this year too. Last year they measured almost 800" of snow at the Northern Sierra Snow Lab (about 30 miles from our home). This year I don't think they've hit 80" yet

On the upside, were expecting a major winter storm over the next 72 hours. We need Mother Nature's help to extend the ski season.
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caschnd1 wrote:
On the upside, were expecting a major winter storm over the next 72 hours. We need Mother Nature's help to extend the ski season.
And to store water on the mountain in the form of snow. For later.
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39ish. Slow cold, no wind.
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Where as Knoxville and much of the rest of Tennessee has had more snow in last month's storm than the last 3 winters combined. Last time we had that much snow was 1996. The negative number Dow to -8f were also record setting and stuck around with over a week before temps were above freezing for even part of the day. Currently we are slightly above average though some forecasts call for more cold in a few weeks.
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Mother Nature is coming through for us in the Reno/Tahoe area. 6" of snow at our house. Almost 24" in the mountains nearby.
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El Nińo winter in SoCal means rain (usually) and my only transportation is my lx150. I've really learned to despise rain.

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El Nino in Florida meant the same. Not that you would notice any difference because it rains every day from late spring to the end of summer. The real difference was the Hurricanes tended to stay off the East coast and out of the Gulf. Pushed out to sea, so to speak.

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DiBiasio wrote:
El Nińo winter in SoCal means rain (usually) and my only transportation is my lx150. I've really learned to despise rain.
Looks like you'll be swimming to work tomorrow, if the weather we just had in the Bay Area makes it down to you.
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wentwest wrote:
Looks like you'll be swimming to work tomorrow, if the weather we just had in the Bay Area makes it down to you.
I drove from San Luis Obispo to LA today (about 200 miles) in my van and it was really windy and rainy the whole way, and it's going strong here still. The drive took a lot of concentration especially when the wind was coming in at the side of the van, but I loved it nonetheless. The most satisfying moment came after a modern Dodge Charger (the car of choice for most of today's top asshole drivers) tore past us along the watery highway in the sideways rain, disappeared into the mist, and then reappeared on the side of the road halfway into a ditch and facing the wrong way with his front wheels off the ground. It was the perfect comeuppance crash, a solo spinout wherein nobody got hurt but he's in for a miserable time and is safely off the road for a while.

Too much water and detritus on the roads for scootering around here tomorrow; I hope you can work from home DiBiasio.
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Hope I don't jinx it but this is our 4th winter in Indiana and so far it has been the mildest. Only had to clear walkways twice, mostly for my mother-in-law who is 88 but still active and likes to feed the birds and collect chicken eggs. Thank you El Nino.
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