I should probably post this on the Honda PCX forum, but I much prefer the MV forum and trust its users. Anyway, I finally took my 2022 Honda PCX in for service. Luckily, I had purchased the extended warranty, so the forks seals that were replaced were covered! However, the valve adjustment and oil change cost over $450. I know this is steep, but i've done my fair share of wrenching out of desperation/lack-of-alternatives, so I thought it would be nice to have a dealer do the work for once. Of course, I assumed the best. After I got the bike back, it seemed to have lost a little bit of top end speed. I figured that was probably the norm given the valve adjustment. Today, about two weeks after getting it back, I decided to check the oil just to make sure everything was still good (i.e. no leaks). Of course, the reservoir is way overfilled. I took a dry picture of the dipstick and then another picture after I put it in the engine. It's hard to tell from my crappy picture, but the oil level is at least a centimeter above the full level after it's been removed. I checked it in my garage, which I know is flat. Anyway, how should I go about dealing with this? It's upsetting, given the price I paid and my belief that the job would be done correctly at the dealer. I'm not necessarily known for my even temper…. So all of you professional mechanics out there - let me know how you would expect a customer to act in this situation. What should I expect from the dealer?
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