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I know this isnt a new topic, but it is for me. The past year had been a one big Health Crisis. Diabetes didnt stop me. A Double Bypass didnt stop me either. However now it is Sciaitica and it has weakened my right leg significantly.

I have been riding for 25 years and I know that the center stand is fine and it is a matter of technique not strength to operate. I have that technique down, but... pushing down on the leg to hold myself up is becoming a problem in itself.

I do not want to get into the position of taking it off the center stand and not being able to put it back, hence the Kickstand. To be used only in these situations while I try to get it on the center stand. I think I need this option. I do not want to be left holding it. I have no intention of using it exclusively. Yes, I know it can fall easily, but so can I, and I have been. I'm walking with a cane.

I write this here to hopefully let others understand other reasoning for getting a side stand beyond it being easier or even being cool. Maybe you have a similar health issue and maybe this can help. This need goes beyond the trickyness of its use. My sometimes questionable reasoning hopefully will not be needed permently. I am dealing with all kinds of doctors since checking into the hospital last year with a 14.4 AIC, 450 Sugar level & a clogged up Heart.

They took out my Stent (put in from a previous Heart Attack) - did the Bypass and put me on a cocktail of Meds that are working to keep me right. Unfortunatly none of them affect my charming personality. LOL. I was on my Vespa 4 weeks after surgery, leading rides, playing with my band and I still am. I may be crazy but its the crazy that keeps me able to, Scoot On... Marbles Mahoney
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That looks like a better style of kickstand than those of the past. No long loop to snag on your trousers, less aggressive spring, maybe a better angle when deployed?

Post pics when you get it installed.
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Sciatica is horrible - I've suffered on and off for years. The only cure is to see an Osteopath or Chiropractor. Drugs can be a very short-term help until you see such a manipulative specialist, and surgery is a complete no-no unless some spinal fusion is absolutely necessary.

The side-stand should be a great help in the meantime.

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Anything that can help you to keep on scooting is worth the hassle. In your case, I see nothing wrong with a side stand as long as there is enough lean built into the design. But my big hope is that you can rebuild your health and move away from the drugs.
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jimc wrote:
Sciatica is horrible - I've suffered on and off for years. The only cure is to see an Osteopath or Chiropractor. Drugs can be a very short-term help until you see such a manipulative specialist, and surgery is a complete no-no unless some spinal fusion is absolutely necessary.

The side-stand should be a great help in the meantime.
Second this. I had a bout with sciatica in my 40's, I could barely get in a car and sitting at my desk was unbearable, and after much convincing by friends went to a chiropractor. He beat the hell out of me but within an hour I had almost no pain. I've only had one slight recurrence since and went right back to the chiropractor.

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And I feel for you dealing with Sciatica. I have dealt since 2010 with having some periods of relief after two back operations relating to my L5-S1 disc. It is going to fused later on this year and I am prepping now with dieting to lose weight - a 16 pound loss since the new year. but I have aways to go. Keep up the good fight.
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jimc wrote:
Sciatica is horrible - I've suffered on and off for years. The only cure is to see an Osteopath or Chiropractor. Drugs can be a very short-term help until you see such a manipulative specialist, and surgery is a complete no-no unless some spinal fusion is absolutely necessary.
I third this. Sciatica sucks. I had a herniated disc in September and I couldn't even walk. I had to cancel (or postpone, actually) a trip to Portugal because I knew I couldn't manage to sit in an airplane seat for 12 hours.

I also had severe pain in my hip, which my doctor dismissed as just a manifestation of the sciatica, but it felt different to me. She sent me to a physical therapist, who immediately recognized that I had piriformis syndrome in addition to a herniated disc. He set me up with a variety of stretches and exercises, and with a steady program of PT I managed to mostly be recovered in a few months.

I've still got some lingering back pain, but am 95% better. And no sciatica in my leg at all.
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Good on ya for still keeping riding in spite of the odds. No need to justify your decisions to anyone.
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Thank you very much for the concerns and sugestions. I am dealing with a lot since my open heart surgery last year. It was then that I realized what was important to me. It occurred to me while lying in the Hospital that if I could not play my music or ride my Scooter anymore, that I would be very upset. My club, The Hornets is in it's 25th year and my band Strange But Surf is in it's 20th year. I did not spend all that time and work to give up now. I may have slowed down but I will do whatever I can to continue to, Scoot On... MM

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Good man, keep on trucking, err, scooting.
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I also found a lot of instructional PT videos on YouTube. Sciatica is a hot topic.

These two guys, in particular, had a lot of useful videos on the subject. They are kind of goobers, but they're helpful goobers.

There are many others, too -- once you start searching sciatica on YouTube, you'll see tons. Find someone you like and try the exercises. It's slow going at first, but it can be improved.
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Many members of my club are having similiar issues as we age into a Senior Citizen Scooter Club, LOL, but its not so funny. Many of our Motorcycle riders are looking at Vespas for the first time or at Trikes & Spyders. Since the bypass Surgery I have been going to the Gym twice a week or more. It has helped. I dont feel better but I dont feel worse either. The Surgery really knocked the hell out of me. I am trying my best but I have had a few falls lately and each one is a setback. I will not give up. This weekend I will install the Sidestand. We are getting some warm weather. I will take the pics and update you all. Thank you all again. MM
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jess wrote:
I also found a lot of instructional PT videos on YouTube. Sciatica is a hot topic.

These two guys, in particular, had a lot of useful videos on the subject. They are kind of goobers, but they're helpful goobers.

There are many others, too -- once you start searching sciatica on YouTube, you'll see tons. Find someone you like and try the exercises. It's slow going at first, but it can be improved.
I will through my hat in the ring: I am a chiropractor, in practice for 40 years.
I have about 115 videos on YouTube , sciatica is the most popular topic.
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It is installed, but I did not have a chance to test it out. Simple & easy. I used an Allen Key but I want to get a socket allen head to tighten it. It is very tight however. I thought about Lock Tite, but we will see. Stay Tuned...
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The Hornets LISC wrote:
It is installed, but I did not have a chance to test it out. Simple & easy. I used an Allen Key but I want to get a socket allen head to tighten it. It is very tight however. I thought about Lock Tite, but we will see. Stay Tuned...
Will the sidestand reduce the left side lean angle significantly?

I suspect not, but it appears to hang out there quite a ways. Perhaps just the camera's perspective.
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I recently purchased a 2014 GTV that does not have a side stand and I literally feel naked without one.I ordered one from scooterpartsco and should have it today. I always put my sidestand down first before I put it up onto the center stand.
⬆️    About 2 months elapsed    ⬇️
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I rode yesterday for the first time. Used the Side Stand for the first time too. I didnt want to post until I had something importanter to say. It is more than just a Side stand install or riding circumstances that has kept me off the road. It is the Sciatica, which the nerve damage it caused is now permenant becauce of Diabaetic Nuropathy. Medical stuff aside, I have also been working very hard in Physical Threrapy to strengthen my right leg to a point that I can not only walk, but ride. I still have a long ways to go. Moving the thing around still isnt easy but alot easier than impossible.

Speaking of impossible, The Center Stand. It just is not going to happen anytime soon. I tried. I even tried it with my left leg. No go. I had one of my Scooter Club buddys spot me while this was going on so me or the Vespa did not fall.

Enough about me, get to Side Stand! It works great! It is a scary fricking lean. See the pics... I used it all day yesterday. It did not always spring up, but I think that was not being worn in or from me putting it down kinda hard. I did not notice any clearence issues. I has a side stand on my Stella for many years, so I am used to being carefull. One drawback is that where I park it at home it really should be on the center stand. Again The Hornets helped me with this when I came home. I'm going to work on stablizing the ground with Patio Blocks soon enough.

Finally, do not let me make this sound like it was easy. It was very scary. While being carefull makes things easier, it is not always possible. A couple of times I instincively but my right leg down for balance on an uneven surface kinda hard. Lucky it was ok. I cn see it could be a problem in some cases. I also cant bring my walker, so I use the cane, which is scary too. But all of you know that just even riding can be scary, but we all just continue to...

Scoot On... Marbles Mahoney
Yes, I can smile!
Yes, I can smile!
That is one scary lean!
That is one scary lean!
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Sorry about all your medical issues. I have my share of medical issues and after many yrs of MCs I've came to conclusions that scootering is the way of life for me. As far as the leaning of your scoot, I put one of the fancy bolt on foot that is about 5/16" thicker, wider footprint to keep from sinking into to ground, fresh asphalt, etc. I put one on my Piaggio BV 400. I'll find a pic. This site has ties to Amazon so you can use it, but need to ask a moderator how to go about in order for this site to get credit. The foot is very nice, bolts on, cools trick and has "Vespa " on it. It will upright your scoot a little, and that my be enough to make you feel more comfortable about it leaning.
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I was hoping to see a version of this stand for the GTS300 sized scooters, but it seems this is only for the 50-150cc scooters. I really don't like the stock version with the big loop to catch on your trouser's leg, as well as the hair trigger return spring.
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I believe I have posted on this before. My pain ran down from my left leg in the back from my hip. I had it for so long, I could hardly go shopping with my wife without sitting down consantly.

Miracle, the Chiropractor in our office building fixed it in one visit. A nerve exiting my pelvis was being crimped cause shooting pain. He bent my leg back so my knee almost touching my nose and had me hold it there for a ten count. Then repeat three more times. He directed me to do this exercise every night/morning. No more Sciatica! I do not even do the exercises any more.

Hey, I am not a doctor - but try it. May hurt at first.

Bob Copeland
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starreem wrote:
I was hoping to see a version of this stand for the GTS300 sized scooters, but it seems this is only for the 50-150cc scooters. I really don't like the stock version with the big loop to catch on your trouser's leg, as well as the hair trigger return spring.
The big loop was not actually designed to snag pants, and there seems to be a lot of complaining about a problem that most people who use side stands don't experience. The reason for the big loop is how far under the big GTS the stand sits. Without the loop, you would have to reach under with your hand and lower the side stand, then lower the bike onto it. Many people find that to be an inconvenience.
The big issue I've had with the spring loaded stands is that it hurts like hell if you are wearing flip flops and the stand hits your foot on the way up. It feels like you've caught your foot in a mouse trap.
I've got one on my 550 lb. Guzzi, and haven't ever had any of the issues that people seem to believe are just waiting to happen with a spring loaded sidestand. Now that would be a PITA to pick up if it fell over.

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You can cut the rubber bung at a angle and the stand will tuck up closer to the body a little tweak upwards on the loop and it's out of the way tight against the body with no snag on long trousers, living in so cal I wear shorts most of my rides but have also suffered the snag only once hence my little sidestand fix.
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Motovista wrote:
I've got one on my 550 lb. Guzzi, and haven't ever had any of the issues that people seem to believe are just waiting to happen with a spring loaded sidestand.
There have been many reports of this happening with the Vespa spring-loaded side-stand, however.

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Glad to see you are riding again. The lean is scary. I carry a small aluminum plate in my glovebox to place underneath the stand. Not only does it give the side stand a little less lean, it gives it a larger footprint that's less likely to sink into hot asphalt.

Nothing worse than sitting in the waiting room at the dentist and having someone come in and say, "Somebody's motorcycle tipped over in the parking lot."

So I have heard.
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