I know this isnt a new topic, but it is for me. The past year had been a one big Health Crisis. Diabetes didnt stop me. A Double Bypass didnt stop me either. However now it is Sciaitica and it has weakened my right leg significantly.
I have been riding for 25 years and I know that the center stand is fine and it is a matter of technique not strength to operate. I have that technique down, but... pushing down on the leg to hold myself up is becoming a problem in itself.
I do not want to get into the position of taking it off the center stand and not being able to put it back, hence the Kickstand. To be used only in these situations while I try to get it on the center stand. I think I need this option. I do not want to be left holding it. I have no intention of using it exclusively. Yes, I know it can fall easily, but so can I, and I have been. I'm walking with a cane.
I write this here to hopefully let others understand other reasoning for getting a side stand beyond it being easier or even being cool. Maybe you have a similar health issue and maybe this can help. This need goes beyond the trickyness of its use. My sometimes questionable reasoning hopefully will not be needed permently. I am dealing with all kinds of doctors since checking into the hospital last year with a 14.4 AIC, 450 Sugar level & a clogged up Heart.
They took out my Stent (put in from a previous Heart Attack) - did the Bypass and put me on a cocktail of Meds that are working to keep me right. Unfortunatly none of them affect my charming personality. LOL. I was on my Vespa 4 weeks after surgery, leading rides, playing with my band and I still am. I may be crazy but its the crazy that keeps me able to, Scoot On... Marbles Mahoney